Staying on track with WA


I’ve been a Wealthy Affiliate member for almost four months now and I’m thrilled to see how many people join Wealthy Affiliate every day. This means that everyday people are empowered to take more control of their life and it means that people still have hope – they are willing to try, and in many cases, try again – to do something different – or even scary – to change their life.

I want to offer a few tips to help newcomers stay on track with Wealthy Affiliate and see their goals through because I know that if you do, you will achieve the goals that you came to Wealthy Affiliate to achieve.

1. Watch the Getting Started-Level 1 training video and complete all the tasks within a day or two. You joined Wealthy Affiliate because you were optimistic and excited, use this enthusiasm to dig right in and complete these three easy tasks within the first two days!

2. Complete your profile and add a photo even if it’s just an icon, you can always change it later.

Your profile needs to include:

    ·your name (use your real name or online name)

    ·a little about your background

    ·why you joined Wealthy Affiliate

    ·your goals

I make these suggestions about profile set-up because I think we take ourselves and our intentions more seriously when we put a little more of ourselves out there. Your profile doesn’t have to be more than 100 words but do let your new community know who you are and why you joined so that we can all support you!

3. Log in everyday for 30 days and take part in the discussions. They say a habit is formed in 21 days (or so…) and Wealthy Affiliate needs to become a habit if you’re going to learn how to succeed in Internet marketing.

4. Don’t ever quit. I really like this from member veronica.I, “the only way to fail is to give up.” Decide to do or learn something new within Wealthy Affiliate every day and keep your ultimate goal in sight.

Set your own standards and allow yourself to progress at your own pace. This isn’t a competition or a race. Know that you will get there because Wealthy Affiliate is the road that leads to Internet marketing success.

5. Find a way to keep yourself motivated everyday – whether it’s the desire to give your family more opportunities, working at a job you don’t enjoy and can’t wait to quit, or watching inspirational movies or videos.

Below is the link to my favourite inspirational video, which is posted in member MikeyB’s goal setting training. I love this video; I watch it every single day.

Cheers to all of your successes and many blessings!


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Recent Comments


I've seen that video, I love it!!! Thank you so much for being a great motivator!

That is a fine compliment. Thank you!

#4 I like a lot - I think that is the problem many people fail (I include myself in that in the past). Well not this time... I'm on here every day, and I will be on here every day, commenting, posting, asking questions, "trying to help" others, until I figure out what my particular niche may be. That may be a long time off, or it may be tonight!! Either way, I'm not going to miss it... All the best to everyone on here! Mark

It's so true Mark and I do the same thing. And I'm not always sure which direction I'm to go in but when I'm on here I always find inspiration and I always find my way. All the best to you and thanks for your comment.

good stuff Chris. Thing for me is to stay motivated. I need to add content to my site. My focus is not what it always should be.

Thanks for your comment. For me it's procrastination. I love to do things at the last possible minute! LOL! But, I see change since joining WA because I am focused on being successful online and enjoying this career full-time. So, procrastination is taking a back seat these days. ;) Hang in there! You'll get there! :-)

Hi Chris,thanks for the 'pep' talk..motivation is not so much the problem,concentration and absorption is for an 'ole' granny.
A line from a Life poem is my driving force....
Plant your Own garden and Decorate your Own soul
Instead of Waiting for Someone to Bring You Flowers!
Cheers Jenny

I love the poem Jenny, so true! Your websites look great so far so I don't think absorption is a issue. ;) Cheers to you too, and thanks for sharing. :-)

Sounds like a great start up plan...
I'd really like to check out the video you posted above, but for personal reasons I chose to have YouTube blocked on my computer. I would watch it on my iPod, but because there's only a no-name link there, I don't know what to search for... Can you tell me what the clip is called?
Thank you!

Hi, Stephanie. The video is 'How bad do you want it? Part 2 - 2012' by ranksociety. It's 6:18 long. Enjoy!

Great post, especially for those new to the system! And a reminder for the ones that have been here awhile.

Excellent point about remembering why we joined. We were obviously searching for something, usually how to create an online business. To those that land at WA, this is the first step to your success...learn what you need to learn about creating and maintaining a website and then rinse and repeat and the visitors will come and then...yes, the money. Great post and thanks.

Thanks, Rick. I appreciate your comments and encouragement. Cheers!

This is very good advice for newbies....and oldies as well!


Thank you for the reminder to keep moving forward!!

Thanks, Ramon. How are things going? :)

I've been busy with everything but building my websites. Lol I will eventually though ..

Yep, that's life. :O I recently read your lovely post from your daughter. It's beautiful. :)

Thanks for the motivation Chris! Blogs like this make it easier to stick with WA. Life has been pretty hectic lately, but shows to be slowing down, so I am hoping to commit even more time to WA and am looking forward to it.

Hi Taylor, thanks for your comment. The motivation we get from each other is one of the many great things about WA! :)

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