New Things Are On the Horizon

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Hello everyone,

Lately, I have been experiencing a lot of change in my life. I gave notice at my job today and on the 18th I will be starting a new job. Currently, I work 90+ hours weekly and that doesn't allow me a lot of time to focus on building up my website content and email list.

The day before yesterday I accepted a new position as a customer service manager working 40 hours a week with a higher salary and it's just during the week.

The new position will be customer service manager over online businesses such as Amazon, Etsy, Shopify, etc.

This will allow me to focus so much more attention on my business!!

I am super excited to have more time to focus on my blogging because I love writing, and also to build up my content.

I am also looking to create a downloadable freebie for my site and I want to create some course lessons. I will finally be able to focus on all of these things!

Thank You,


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Hi Chastity,

Your new job sounds like it will be really great! 90 hours a week is a bit much! That doesn't allow you time for much of anything else! I don't know how you managed to create your site while working so many hours!

Congrats on your new job!


Yes, it was a lot! I also go to school full-time still so I never had any time for myself. I'm excited about my new adventure, and more time to devote to blogging!

Yes, that sounds really great! Have a great weekend and holiday!


Great news, Chas. Sounds like this will give you more time and experience with Internet Marketing. My best wishes you your success in your new job.

Thank you, yes, it will be so much more time.

Great news indeed. Go get 'em Chastity!



That is a brilliant opportunity in many ways, for your health, finance and business.
Wishing you every success and happiness with your new ventures.
Hopefully exciting times ahead.


Yes, it is very exciting. Thank you, Tracy! I know I will definitely not be as tired when I try to write LOL

Brilliant 👏

What a great move, Chastity. Aside from the obvious benefit of reducing your hours from 90 to 40 with an increase in pay, it sounds like you will be increasing your online knowledge. Knowledge that you'll be able to apply to your own business.

Yes, that is what I am most excited about! Thank you, Phil

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