Jump Off Of Any Cliffs Lately?


Sound like something that you think you are currently doing? Well I did it literally, yeah I am fifty three years old and I jumped off of a twenty foot cliff into about twelve feet of water. I still remember it like it was yesterday, although it was about two weeks ago.

My wife and I are living in the Philippines, we decided to take the family to a resort area known as 100 Islands in the Alaminos Beach area. We went to Marcos Island, known for this particular jump off of a cliff in a cave. My wife asked me if I was going to jump. I told her that I used to jump out of airplanes a twenty foot cliff isn't gonna scare me.

Boy was I wrong. I remember the fear welling up in my gut just walking down the stairs to get to the jumping spot. It made me feel almost sick knowing what awaited me at the bottom of those stairs.

When I looked down into the area where we would jump, my stomach was now in my throat and I was thinking of every excuse I could for not going through with it. The guide assured me that it was safe and that there was no way I could get hurt. I stepped up to the edge, now I could feel it in my knees, you know that fear of self preservation was starting to kick in. I stepped back and said I didn't think I could do it.


My darling wife, God bless her, said that she was scared too but that she was only gonna live once and jumped. She hit the water with a big splash and came up in a flurry of bubbles laughing and telling me that it was okay, to jump.

Next came my brother in law, he gave me this look, smiled a little and then yelled something in their language that I didn't completely catch and jumped. He too hit with a big splash and came up in a flurry of bubbles laughing and pointing at me.

I gingerly stepped up to the edge and looked down upon my brother in law taunting me and waved him to the side to get out of the way. I heard my nieces behind me giggling as they said "you are next Tito", I laughed, you know that scared laugh when you are nervous and said "yeah"

In the past every fear that I had known had always angered me that it made me feel that way, this was different. Had experience and age finally taught me to think before I leap? Thirty years ago I wouldn't have hesitated, wouldn't have even thought about it. Strange how life teaches you to be careful what you do, there are going to be consequences.

Now I had just watched two people that I know and trust jump off of that cliff. Yeah, they were wearing life vests, I wasn't. Funny thing about the Philippines, they don't make things to fit six foot two inch, three hundred pound Americans. Besides I have always been a good swimmer and the water was not that deep. Excuses for not following thru began to flow through my head, that old devil procrastination was trying to beat me again. I was not going to let it. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and ....

Enough said? Apply it as you will. When you quit, you lose.

I am always at your service,


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Yeah, I jumped off a cliff recently and landed in here. lol. Soft landing.

Right on, that is what I am talking about. Take the bull by the horns, grab the reins, saddle up whatever you want to call it that is what I mean. Stop living in fear of things that have not happened yet.

Glad you made a big splash and came out alright.Doubt is sometimes, hard to over come, but you done it..

Well a big splash is what I am hoping that everyone will make here at WA and become so successful that they won't remember being doubtful about coming here.

I hope so too.

You told your story with a great flair! There is nothing wrong with a little healthy caution but you can't let it hold you back when you have that confirmation that the path is a great path! I am glad you were able to go for it!

Thank you for reading and for understanding what it was all about.

:) You're welcome! ;)

My stomach was doing flip flops as I read this! Great post!

Thanks for reading it and for leaving me a comment. I am glad that you liked it.

Good article and thanks for sharing. I can relate to how you felt. I use to love to dive off high diving boards when younger. Now when I do go off I keep asking myself "what was I thinking?"

You were thinking the same thing I was, this is a blast, let's do it some more. LOL Thanks for the comment.

But the thing is don't jump. If you roll and land on your back you break it. I fly hang gliders, and do all the safe thrills but don't go off the tower in a diving pool. It is dangerous.

That is the whole point my friend, you sometimes have to take the risk to make it to your goal, letting fear or what others may say about it, or play it safe, there is no gain in that. I jumped out of airplanes for six years of my life, I broke my legs, my back, have had concussions and through it all I never would be where I am today by playing it safe or listening to nay sayers, I don't mean to sound like I am insulting you but life is a game of IFS, if you never take any risks you never will really know what you are capable of and all of us are capable of such greatness.

Life is not a game and I am not insulted. If you jump off the tower without knowing the technique then you are stupid. Not brave. Just plain dumb. Same with parachuting. You need to know what you are doing. There is no risk involved in working hard and making a lot of money. Ask, copy, learn and do it. Its work, not risk. Most people don't like work.

Aw there is the rub, training is the key, I have jumped before and so have the others. I would never advise someone to leap without looking, that was not the point. I watched two others jump before jumping, I stated that, I knew there was little or no risk but I was still afraid because of fears that had been planted there previously. I overcame those fears because I knew there was no risk involved.
You are right, jumping in blind is stupid, don't do it. But once you have tested the waters or watched others do so, you should be able to overcome your fear and move on. And for most people that come here, overcoming the fear of criticism, procrastination and fear of not being able to do it are real. Most people are like that.
Why would you say life is not a game? Of course it is a game, that is the joy of living. How well can you play the game, how well can you accept and overcome the challenges that come before you, there are no reset buttons so you need to prepare yourself to overcome those obstacles with self confidence and positive thought, the minute you go down the road of "can't be done" or "shouldn't be done" you restrict life to being dull and without any benefits.

Just wanted to add, thanks for the discussion, I have not had such an interesting one in such a long time. It is great and I mean really great to have the chance to trade comments with someone who doesn't just say "oh what a nice blog", I can't thank you enough for being strong enough and wise enough to be the one to stand up for what you believe.

Aaaii, I recognize the feeling, you have a great way of telling stories, I feel my hands are getting sweaty.

Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed it. It was nerve wracking to say the least.

...and you lived to tell the tale. You have an entertaining style of writing San, I enjoyed reading this post. ~Marion

Thanks Marion, I knew you would. I just read a post on another one of my posts of someone that is leaving WA after 6 months, I did that and I lost big time for doing that. I just want to encourage others not to give in to the fear, because you can make a living at this, just give the time and effort that it deserves and stay positive.

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