Why Flipboard Can Boost Your Website Engagement & Traffic

blog cover image

(cover image: a variety of different colored magazines for sale at a newsstand or a store)

Hi WAers,

Guess what? Flipboard is a free social media magazine that is available to everyone. The platform can help boost engagement and increase website traffic. It provides us with another avenue to reach more people with our content. Another member here at WA told me about this platform. Its worth checking it out.

Screenshot photo of Flipboard's website

We can benefit from this platform by taking the time to research and see how it will help our marketing strategies. In this post, I will explain what Flipboard is, why it's worth using, and how to gain more reach and get more eyes to our blog posts with a marketing strategy.

What is Flipboard and How Does It Work?

Flipboard is a social media platform with over 145 million monthly active users. It enables users to discover and share content in a visually appealing magazine-like format.

The Flipboard app is a personalized news aggregator where users can select from various topics to find what interests them.

You can also use it on the website.

Screenshot of How It Works.

Flipboard curates articles, videos, images, and social media based on users' preferences. Its magazine-style layout catches users' attention and lets them flip through pages quickly.

On Flipboard, users can follow magazines or publishers for tailored content. They can also create magazines to save interesting articles and share them with others. They also have a Flipboard TV that you can view.

How it Works for Creators:

  • Sign Up: Signing up for a Flipboard account requires an email address, username, and password.
  • Customize Profile: Creators can customize their profiles by adding a profile picture, bio, and other information to make their accounts more appealing.
  • Create Magazines: Click the "Create Magazine" button on their profile page; creators can create magazines on specific topics. They can add a title, description, and cover photo.
  • Add Content: Creators can add content to their magazines in two ways - by flipping articles from other sources or by creating original content directly on Flipboard's platform.
  • Interact with Other Users: By liking, commenting, or sharing other users' content, creators help build a community and increase their visibility.
  • Promote Content: Sponsored flips and paid promotions are some tools Flipboard offers creators to promote their content.
  • Analyze Performance: With Flipboard's analytics dashboard, creators can track the performance of their magazines.

Flipboard allows creators to interact with other users, promote content, and analyze performance. It also provides a visually engaging interface and personalized curation capabilities, making it an excellent platform for businesses to boost website engagement and drive traffic.

Why Flipboard Can Boost Your Website's Engagement and Traffic

You might not have considered Flipboard before, and neither have I. I did learn that it can boost your website's engagement and traffic in ways you never thought possible.

Screenshot photo for Creators

Use Flipboard to curate and organize content from multiple sources into visually appealing digital magazines. This can help attract an audience interested in your website's niche.

Why You and I Should Use Flipboard:

  1. Strong Community of Active Users: By sharing your articles or blog posts on Flipboard, you can tap into this existing audience and drive more traffic to your website.
  2. Mobile Friendly Interface & Navigation Features: Visual content engages readers on mobile. That helps your visitors stay engaged with your content longer.
  3. A Great Marketing Strategy: Using this platform can showcase your content visually, increase engagement and social sharing, and establish your brand as an authority in your niche.
  4. Integrated with Social Media: It's easier for users to share content on various social media platforms and outreach to a broader audience.
  5. SEO Benefits: You can increase organic traffic to your website by optimizing your Flipboard magazines with relevant keywords and links back to your website.

Integrating Flipboard into Your Marketing Strategy

The best way to leverage Flipboard is by creating a branded magazine that showcases your company's expertise and industry insights. You can curate articles, blog posts, videos, or relevant content that aligns with your brand values. This will help establish your authority in the industry and attract an audience interested in what you offer.

Screenshot for promoting your brand

  • Promoting Your Website & Brand: You will share articles from your blog to increase visibility and lead visitors to read more information.
  • Community Engagement: Engaging with other users on Flipboard boosts brand awareness and generates organic traffic. Interact with other users by liking and commenting on articles or following influencers to build relationships with them.
  • Maintain Consistency: Consistency with posting on social media and writing your blog posts is vital to getting more traffic.
  • Track Your Results With Analytics: With Flipboard Insights, you can measure the performance of each article shared on the platform using analytics.

Incorporating Flipboard as part of your marketing mix offers immense opportunities for businesses seeking enhanced engagement and organic increased web traffic while building valuable connections within their target market.

So, let's give it a shot! The results might surprise us.

Final Thoughts

We live in a fast-paced world with shorter attention spans, so enhancing your online presence is vital. Flipboard is a unique opportunity to reach a broader audience and increase website engagement by showcasing your content. To build a strong presence, curate valuable content consistently, establish credibility, and foster growth in readership over time.


PS: Have you tried Flipbook? If you have not, would you be interested in trying this out? I love visual aesthetics. I signed up today and will play with it to see how it turns out.

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Recent Comments


This is very interesting, indeed, Brenda! It might take me a while to look into this, but eventually, I might make it there. I have too many physical tasks taking up a bunch of my time lately, but I have definitely saved all of this for future reference!

Thank you for all that you do here in WA!


I get that there is just not enough time. You do have an outside physical business which I get. Sure you are welcome. I think it is a great place for you to promote your book.

Very much appreciated, Brenda! Likely, between Mel and I, we will promote WA there too!

I think it's beneficial. Just hope you guys have more time for it. Thanks for being an excellent support for Mel.

I think so too, Brenda! Thanks for the kind words!

Hi Brenda.
I heard about Flipboard few days ago in one of the bloggers group where they have big success with it.
So I'm going to set up an account today.
It looks great ๐Ÿ‘
Good luck

Hi Nat, that's great. I like the visual part of it. I wish you the best with that platform. I set my account up yesterday so I do need to explore and learn more about that platform.

That's good to know about. Thanks, Brenda!

Susan :-))

Hi Susan, sure, you are welcome! I am happy to do the research and check it out. I am going to try this. I like visual aesthetics. It's similar to Apple News.

Hi Brenda...it's great that you're researching all these things and showing us the ropes. I also enjoy visuals and really appreciate the images you present. Well done. :-))

Thank you for your support! ๐Ÿ˜€

My pleasure, Brenda! Have a great evening. ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Cool! Something to look at soon!

Thanks, Brenda!


Hi Rudy, sure by all means check it out. Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜€


I've not tried it and this is the first I have come to know about it. I am going to explore it.

Thanks Brenda

Hi Linda, by all means you can do so here


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