4 Articles on Page 1 in Google

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(cover image: iPad with Google search page)

Hi Wealthy Affiliates,

After March, Core Updates will also be part of the HCU update—the spam updates. My website lost most of its traffic. Everyone, both big and small blogging websites, was hit. Mine was included (I started this site last November).

Google decided to put in User-Generated Content instead. Those are the parasite SEO that we see on page 1 of Google: Reddit, Quora, and Medium (I do not see many LinkedIn articles like before). I just continued to write and do Pinterest. My traffic there can be up and down. I could not focus on working on other social media platforms because learning it all overwhelmed me to the point where I quickly wore myself out from exhaustion.

Several of the articles that I wrote in June are finally getting small organic traffic. I see four of my articles on page 1 in Google. One article is in position four between Reddit and Quora; my article is in the middle. I found that interesting. That proves that after the dust settles, traffic is returning for some time.

If you answered the question and provided a solution immediately, your article can be posted on page 1 of Google, along with Reddit, Quora, and Medium. It all depends on the topic related to your niche.

I am fully aware that it won't likely stay there long; someone else will come along, and Google will replace it. That's how their algorithm works.

The articles I wrote were from research in Quora and Reddit because people were asking questions that were not answered, and some of the answers written were vague. I wrote a detailed answer to the question and the solution in the blog post. I wrote most of them in my own words, with some help from an AI author and another GPT assistant.

I would love to show it all to you, but due to my bad experiences in the past with other bad actors copying my articles and posting them as if they were theirs, I decided not to show anyone anymore. I am fully aware that copying my articles will happen no matter what. There are some bad actors out there, and an AI overview from Google can also steal my content.

In June and this week of July, I had many articles that were "discovered and crawled but not indexed.," found in Google Search Console. These articles didn't have the /feed or /category on them. These articles were previously indexed, but Google decided to de-index them for numerous reasons.

Most people will click to get it re-indexed. I did that, too. It would get indexed and then de-indexed. It felt like a cat-and-mouse game. Im the cat trying to scratch Google; come on index it. Of course, I've learned that not every article will get indexed, if they indexed it earlier they still can de-index it.

Guess what? I found a solution for that. I did my own testing and am now working on the data to see if the strategy I am using will work. The problem is Google won't tell you why, so you are left to figure it out on your own. My next blog will be about how you can remedy the problem and try to get it indexed, and if they don't index it at all, there are other solutions to that as well.

Until next time!

-BrendaMZ 😀

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Congratulations! This is an awesome fountain of knowledge..

Love this idea...

"...The articles I wrote were from research in Quora and Reddit because people were asking questions that were not answered, and some of the answers written were vague.

I wrote a detailed answer to the question and the solution in the blog post. I wrote most of them in my own words, with some help from an AI author and another GPT assistant..."

This is a winning formula. Keep it up!

I am doing that experiment, and I want to see if I can continue doing it. Poe GPT helped Perplexity and CoPilot a bit. I like the words "winning formula." Now, I need to stick to it. See if the trends will continue. Thanks for the image! Cool!

Congrats Brenda hopefully Google will wake up to their stuff ups they have done to many with their recent updates.

Probably not but in the meantime we need to play their game as you did with UGC and take that opportunity to get back up where we were once.

I also don't blame you in not showing your site as I too have had some people here copy and paste my content over the years so I don't advertise my sites here anymore

I have the same issues with many posts that were ranking high some got de indexed and will re do them to get them back where they belong.
So extra work no thanks to Google.

Well done and look forward to your findings later on.

We will get there again Branda because we don't give up and will always keep moving forward

Take care


Thanks, Andre. Your thoughts are exactly what everyone has been saying about UGC, so we have to play their game and use USG content in our website content because there aren't enough sites doing that. Yes, it will take a while to collect data. As you know, things with the big G take time. You too take care. It's a hot summer here 100 means about 38C, so Aussie is now in the wintertime. We are trying to stay cool while you guys are trying to keep warm.

Yep trying to stay warm for sure at times fingers are cold and don't want to type l
Yes for us 38 is a very warm day but hot when is gets over 40 plus then it's ho so enjoy the warmth

As far as g is concerned not going to call them big g anymore have another name for them but I would get banned if I said it ha
For now instead of going on the right path as we did we now as far as they are concerned take a side track and move forward again

Everyone is taking a sidetrack by focusing on creating UGC on those platforms.

No choice these days if we want to go forward

Hi BrendaMz,
lovely blog post and thanks for sharing. I do look forward to reading the next blog and how your experiment about getting re-indexed after a google de-index. As a newbie i have seen 16 out of my 21 articles get indexed but i do hope i can learn something from your experiences going forward ..thanks for volunteering to be the pioneer.
At the moment it takes about 3 days for my articles to get indexed but i am yet to be able to state with certainty what i am doing or whether 3 days can be seen like the expected timeframe over time for me or is it some kind of initial fluke, but i would love to be able to give some insight to other members maybe after i have about 50 articles indexed. Again thanks for sharing..and good luck with your experiment..

Hi Sam, sure thing. It's normal for Google to be slow and indexing for new site. My site isn't new, but I had a rough start because of the Google Core updates. Those happen all the time, as you will find out. Many sites get hit, and some give up and move on to other sources, such as social media because Google isn't giving the love to some websites. The more content you have, the better. So keep writing like a demon to get there in the search engine results, and never give up. That's for sure.

Excellent work, Brenda!

Never give up!

Myra ♥️

Hi Myra, I agree never give up. Thanks for the reminder of those words.

You're welcome, Brenda. :)

Myra ♥️

Excellent work, Brenda! 👍👍😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks, Frank.

You’re welcome, Brenda. 😎😎

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