Is anyone else having issues with stumbleupon? I had no problems whatsoever then all of a sudden I am getting
This webpage is not available. Please try another page.
<This is definitely a stumble upon issue and you should not be concerned about this. Simply skip over using Stumbleupon if their system is not functioning properly, it will serve little to no value to your website.
i have the same issue. can't share any articles from my site. i wrote to their support and this is their reply:
"We get the same error.
It is likely that your server is denying access from the StumbleUpon server's. This is something you will need to check with your site/server administrators. "
Kyle, Carson, please HELP!
It's doing the same thing to me.
I just tried to add a link at their website and still no luck
Is anyone else having issues with stumbleupon? I had no problems whatsoever then all of a sudden I am getting
This webpage is not available. Please try another page.
<well, this is just wrong. they claim it's your issue, and you claim it's theirs. things that are supposed to work should work.
This is definitely a stumble upon issue and you should not be concerned about this. Simply skip over using Stumbleupon if their system is not functioning properly, it will serve little to no value to your website.
i have the same issue. can't share any articles from my site. i wrote to their support and this is their reply:
"We get the same error.
It is likely that your server is denying access from the StumbleUpon server's. This is something you will need to check with your site/server administrators. "
Kyle, Carson, please HELP!
It's doing the same thing to me.
I just tried to add a link at their website and still no luck
well, this is just wrong. they claim it's your issue, and you claim it's theirs. things that are supposed to work should work.