March 2020 Progress
Well, March was a little more productive - but not so much either. There won't be much to write here today. The little I have to say is just what it is, small progress. Well, here goes...
I only produced one blog in the month of March on my MMO website. I really haven't been as motivated this month on this particular website as I should have been. There was another opportunity that was created last month. I'll touch on that a little later.
So, I did work on a couple things on my MMO website...
- I added photos and updated some content on all my blogs and reviews.
- I set up e-mail on all my websites so to try to get my e-mail campaigns up and running on my MMO site, so my wife can create a little content on her pet-sitting site, and I have a way for new/possible clients to reach me on my brand new website.
- I added a CTA on my MMO site, now I might see more referrals... hopefully.
- I purchased a trial "boost" with Facebook, of course being a fairly new business page there, they offered me $10 and I only spent $2 out of my pocket.
- Published one new post (inspired by EdwinBernard) about how being cooped up in our homes creates an opportunity... this was added on my MMO site... as you probably already know.
- There was one referral in March, but she did not sign up as a Premium member... yet.
- Oh, I updated my WA Review and re-published it with a new date since the web-hosting has been changed a little.
So, that is it in a nutshell. That's my month of March.
Oh, Did I Forget something?
Oh my new opportunity...
Well it is a new website for myself... but it won't be bringing me any business at the moment... no thanks to COVID-19. I am not certain if I mentioned it in my February blog post on my progress, so I'll go into it here now.
I brought my wife's laptop into our local computer repair shop and when I went back to pay for it, There was a brief conversation with the manager, Whitney.
I mentioned that I do affiliate marketing and had a blog site where I write reviews and she asked if I knew how to build websites. Well, one thing led to another and she asked if I ever thought about going into business doing web design.
There was actually and told her so. She then said that she had customers needing repairs that always ask if they did web design and has to turn them down. She said if I got something together and give her some business cards, she could give me referrals.
Now, I have a web design business with a website and all. I was about to bring her some business cards and then stuff started happening with COVID-19. You know, limited store hours and all. I need to go by her shop and see if she still wants the business cards.
As it stands now, Henry McMaster, our governor of South Carolina has put out an order closing all non-essential businesses. And asked all residents to stay home unless it is necessary to go out.
I can bring her some business cards as I am sure a computer repair shop is essential since everyone is doing everything online these days.
So, that's my new business venture and now it is open for business as long as I can get some clients/customers. That took some of my time this month and I do hope that it also brings in some income as well as the eventuality of my MMO site.
Multiple Streams of Income...
It is very interesting that I just read a blog from Reyhana. Check it out here:
She mentions how important it is to have multiple streams of income. She is absolutely right on the money with that one. As we all see what is going on in our world today.
People are being laid off and some businesses may shut down when it is all over with. We just don't know at this point. However...
We all are here to make it a go with our online businesses and are actually set up to usher in the new way of doing things. We are all at the brink of becoming successful and affiliate marketing is the wave of the future.
Final Thought for the Day:
Make your time here count. I decided at the beginning of this New Year to start focusing on my online presence and intent to be successful. I would prefer to make the MMO site more successful than my web design business, but for now I'll get that bringing in income.
I hope you all are being safe and take care of yourselves and your families.
I wish you all the best!
Recent Comments
Thank you very much. Itโs not much, but itโs a little bit of production. At least I canโt say I did nothing.
Congrats on your progress you are doing great. Big congrats on your new opportunity. That's wonderful news.
Have a fantastic Friday,
You've got a good idea there, and what a good time to get it started -- if you can get the word out. I wish you luck.
I need to figure out how to plan a week ahead of time as you do...
LOL! I used to just write it down on a piece of paper. Now, I actually have a planner/calendar where I write it down by dates. It has helped me to stay focused.
I also have a journal book that acts as my piece of paper. I'll have to take a photo of it so you'll see it one day.
Maybe for my April progress report... LOL!
Thanks for stopping by.
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Good Morning Bob,
This virus causes so many problems on so many levels it is difficult to make a list. Everything is related nowadays. I am not writing for my websites, I just do not feel like it but I am revising old posts and then giving them up for more comments.
I remember you told us about designing websites and you will do that in the future so do not give up.
At the moment the most important is to remain calm and take care of your health and of your family.
Greetings from the south of Spain,
Hi Taetske, I am in the process of writing a blog to put on my web design website that focuses on local businesses getting their business from local people... just through a website if they donโt already have one.
This way even if I am not getting the referrals from the computer repair shop, I may still benefit in the long run. And poised to build more even after the virus runs its course and things hopefully get back to some form of normal.
Take care of yourself and I wish you well.