Multitasking doesn't save time. It wastes time.

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Multitasking is not an effective way to get more done. It’s rather an effective way to get less done.
We can actually do two or more things at once, but what we can’t do is focus on two things at once, because our attention bounces back and forth.
When you take on two or more things, your attention gets divided, and you become less effective. When you jump from one activity to another, you lose time as your brain reorients to the new task. Researchers say that we lose 28 percent of an average workday to multitasking ineffectiveness.
So, instead of focusing on being busy, focus on being productive. Figure out what is the most important task at the moment and give it your undivided attention.

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Recent Comments


You are right. I have to divide the time on my two websites carefully, but I must admit it would be easier if there were only one.

Yes, I know what you mean.

You are definitely right about that.


Thank you Nick!

Sounds like common sense to me Blanka. It is the focus that counts.


Yes, the focus is the key!

Quite true and we'll said......Richard

Thank you Richard!

Good words for all those would be multi-taskers. I've thought of multi-tasking and rapid task switching. IN doing that, I agree that it wastes much time. Great post to bring this to light and remind us to stay focused. Thanks!

Thank you!

You are so all I have to do is convince my wife!! Great post..thanks for sharing.

Haha good luck! Have a great day!

Hi Blanka
I read about this just recently, so interesting! To our disadvantage, our human brains enjoy the distraction of bouncing back and forwards. Apparently, we create some lovely chemicals in our brains which is why it can even become addictive.
Thank you for sharing.

Oh yes, I think I was addictive to multitasking. It just felt right even though I knew it wasn't. Thank you Louise and have a great day!

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