It Takes Time

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If there is one thing I have learned thus far, it is that learning how to become an affiliate marketer takes time. You wouldn't know that from all the social media out there where the message isn't accurate - you know, "Take this short training and get rich before 2024!". Hogwash! It takes time to learn all the ins and outs of affiliate marketing, including setting up your website, joining the social media platforms, learning about affiliate marketing programs, and most importantly, writing content.

Now, I am by no means inept when it comes to social media or website navigation, but learning how to do the more complicated social media posts has been the biggest challenge for me. It's not because I'm shy - it's because I'm learning how to make reels, add music and create my message - I'm in awe of all the step-by-step reels there are showing folks how to do it. I have to watch them a few times, but I'm getting there.

The other challenge is being strict with myself around scheduling time for training and content creation while working a demanding full time job. Time management skills are necessary to make this work. This isn't something you can learn well while multitasking, it requires your full attention to detail. Often, for me that means waking up several hours before work, or working on my business after dinner. Either way, it takes commitment and perseverance. It takes passion, excitement, curiosity and drive.

One aspect people don't talk about very much with starting a business are the sacrifices you have to make when it comes to the rest of your life, including foregoing time with family and friends, squeezing in the things you must do to keep your household running, and time for exercise, self care, and rest. We all have the same 24 hours available to do all of these things and you have to schedule your day wisely. If you are as blessed as I am and have people in your life to support and help you manage those 24 hours to help you get your business going, it helps.

I knew when I started this venture it was going to be a challenge, but I will tell you I'm completely committed. I wish I knew about this years ago - but alas, better late than never! Thank you to all the affiliate marketers out there who got me excited about this opportunity because you have all had a part in deciding to go for it! Your creativity and passion is contagious!

And now, I will soldier on!


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Recent Comments


Yes, it takes time, commitment and time.

Very well said, Bethany! You are right!


I think you have said it beautifully and perfectly, Bethany. As others have said; it's a marathon, not a sprint. I hope you reach many readers with this post because it's solid information that needs to be understood.


Great and truthful post it definitely takes time. Thank you!

I soldier on, Bethany :) I always do. Thanks for sharing your valued insights.

A great resource would be

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