About Bannermarie
Rank 74992
235 followers Joined November 2015
Hello, everyone! I am Ann-Marie, new affiliate marketer who enjoys spending time with my boys. I promote other people's products, as you do here,





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

The premium package is $47 us, but $53 us is taken from my account, which is $71.15 Canadian dollars. Can anyone explain the discrepancies?

Shouldn't $47 per month be t

Membership is $47USD per month. All transactions online tend to use USD as their centralized currency and if you are from Canada you are subject to exchange rate fluctuations (which currently are not good).

Since we are Canadian, we are also obligated by Canadian law to charge GST (based on the province you are located in). So depending on where you are this is tacked onto your membership.

It wasn't long ago that the CAD dollar was worth more than the USD and the membership was discounted, but this will fluctuate throughout the year depending on the current rates. Our membership is always $47USD though, that will remain a constant.

Hope this clarifies for you here. :)

Why am I showing two different charges on my accounty?

Why am I showing two different charges on my accounty?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

The premium package is $47 us, but $53 us is taken from my account, which is $71.15 Canadian dollars. Can anyone explain the discrepancies?

Shouldn't $47 per month be t

Membership is $47USD per month. All transactions online tend to use USD as their centralized currency and if you are from Canada you are subject to exchange rate fluctuations (which currently are not good).

Since we are Canadian, we are also obligated by Canadian law to charge GST (based on the province you are located in). So depending on where you are this is tacked onto your membership.

It wasn't long ago that the CAD dollar was worth more than the USD and the membership was discounted, but this will fluctuate throughout the year depending on the current rates. Our membership is always $47USD though, that will remain a constant.

Hope this clarifies for you here. :)

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have the google verification on my site, how do I hide or remove it? Also my page are distorted on mobile devices. Please help.

@ http://work-from-home-services.com

You added that code incorrectly when you added it to your file, that is why it is showing up there. You should be adding your verification code directly within your All in One SEO settings, not manually to your header.php file.

I would remove it from there and then readd it to it's proper location within the All in One SEO tool.

How do I hide the site verification node from my page?

How do I hide the site verification node from my page?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have the google verification on my site, how do I hide or remove it? Also my page are distorted on mobile devices. Please help.

@ http://work-from-home-services.com

You added that code incorrectly when you added it to your file, that is why it is showing up there. You should be adding your verification code directly within your All in One SEO settings, not manually to your header.php file.

I would remove it from there and then readd it to it's proper location within the All in One SEO tool.

asked in
Website Development & Programming

At creation of email for site domain, but no domain name is in dropdown menu.

Yeah, you can only create domain names for websites that you OWN, not siterubix.com websites. If you bought your domain name or you are hosting a website on your own domain name from here at WA, you should see it within your email dropdown list:


Have you purchase your domain yet?

Why domain name is not in dropdown menu for site email?

Why domain name is not in dropdown menu for site email?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

At creation of email for site domain, but no domain name is in dropdown menu.

Yeah, you can only create domain names for websites that you OWN, not siterubix.com websites. If you bought your domain name or you are hosting a website on your own domain name from here at WA, you should see it within your email dropdown list:


Have you purchase your domain yet?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I and my husband have offered feed back and comments, yet everything says "0". After reading or viewing an article, at the bottom of the page on each site there is comment sect

I had the same "problem" Assuming as above you have done everything correctly then the problem is that the comment in in "moderation" on the website. It can sometimes take a couple of days for the webmaster to review and post... At that point you get your credit!

thanks, donaldmavor.

Are you offering the comment straight on the website you viewed, if so the comment is not recorded. Comment is offered within WA and will appear on the comment session of website you viewed and read.
I learnt a hard lesson too and comments made did not count.

Darn right, that is exactly what we have been doing all this time. Not funny at all. Thanks for solving the riddle.

There are a few members over in the live chat area that will know the answer to this. Copy your question and post it over there. Good luck.

thanks, felixwebman.

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The reques or offer comments section?

The reques or offer comments section?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I and my husband have offered feed back and comments, yet everything says "0". After reading or viewing an article, at the bottom of the page on each site there is comment sect

I had the same "problem" Assuming as above you have done everything correctly then the problem is that the comment in in "moderation" on the website. It can sometimes take a couple of days for the webmaster to review and post... At that point you get your credit!

thanks, donaldmavor.

Are you offering the comment straight on the website you viewed, if so the comment is not recorded. Comment is offered within WA and will appear on the comment session of website you viewed and read.
I learnt a hard lesson too and comments made did not count.

Darn right, that is exactly what we have been doing all this time. Not funny at all. Thanks for solving the riddle.

There are a few members over in the live chat area that will know the answer to this. Copy your question and post it over there. Good luck.

thanks, felixwebman.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

This is day 2, now, and I still can't access my website. I did "everything" but no result. What other options are there for me? I used Firefox and Internet Explorer and no succ

Thanks to all!

You're welcome!

Hey guys. I finally logged in to my website.

YAY...back to work, I guess! LOL!

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Unable to access my website. what else can I do?

Unable to access my website. what else can I do?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

This is day 2, now, and I still can't access my website. I did "everything" but no result. What other options are there for me? I used Firefox and Internet Explorer and no succ

Thanks to all!

You're welcome!

Hey guys. I finally logged in to my website.

YAY...back to work, I guess! LOL!

Contact Support...

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