My Website: Since my first article in the paper
My first article on hydrotherapy was published June 7th, it was pretty exciting! My next two articles are on Senior Fitness and Osteoporosis. I am only running one article a month, right now, just to test the water.
My website statistics have improved drastically! I am now averaging one visitor a day. I continue to build content and I am working on a page for senior fitness.
I have re-read most of my content, and I am thinking of deleting some of the "about me" articles, but I am hesitant because I think it paints a picture of who I am and when people are wanting to purchase something, they want to feel like they know you.
I have a lot of videos on my website and I think that is helping when I check my google ranking some of pages are on the first page of google search results, so I know that is in my favor.
I deleted some content that I no longer found relevant and I am trying to restructure some ideas.
I always appreciate feedback if you have time my website
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Well done...I have just asked what comes next? I don't want to be just sitting back and waiting for things to happen I want to give them a helping hand. Good point about the video's ranking well. I think I need a few more on my sites.
The videos are super helpful for getting on that first page of google, so I would highly encourage you to add some to your site. I appreciate your comment, I just keep re-looking and adjusting. I tweeked some pages today and was so thankful I didn't lose any of my videos, that has not been my luck in my past
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Hi, your site is looking good - well done, keep it up :)