Which is the evergreen niche?


People ask this question a lot. They want to know which niches are evergreen because they want to build a long-term stable business. That's a good mindset because you DON'T WANT TO GIVE UP so early. Great.

An Evergreen Market is simply a Market that is FOREVER PROFITABLE till the end of times. People need these products regularly, there is no shortage of demand, so there is always a potential to make money in it. So, it just means, the work that you are doing today to build a business won't be outdated within time but constantly have a demand and thus income, as per Laws of Economics.

Spotting an Evergreen Market is very straightforward. It just involves YOU thinking about WHAT PRODUCTS YOU USE MOST? Think about the stuffs that people PURCHASE/BUY/WANT always regardless of the economic factors, regardless of time factor.

Evergreen Market is a trinity and these are - Health, Wealth and Relationships

Hundreds of thousands of niches branch out from each of these markets. Let's have a closer look:


According to Pew Research Center, 72% of Internet Users have looked online to find health related information. I bet, These numbers will be rising over years in future.

There are thousands of Markets within Health Market such as:

Health Supplements, Diseases, Pharmaceuticals, Fitness, Gym, Health food, Weight loss, dietary plans, acne issues, Medical Equipment, Medical E-books, Body-building, Health Membership Websites, Cosmetics, Beauty stuff, Self-Help, Quitting addictions such as Smoking and Pornography and I can go on and on.

That's not all, each of these Markets include numerous niches that you can concentrate. This is a field that will always remain profitable to do business on.


Who is not interested in wealth? My website falls under this category. That's why YOU are here, to know how you can make more money. Well, you aren't alone. We are all interested in building a sustainable income and improve our financial situations.

You have infinite options if you want to work in Wealth related Niches.

There are thousands of scams out there fooling people and robbing them. Because of this, there is a HUGE DEMAND for the sites that help others to make money online in a legitimate way.

You can promote:

  • Books related to Personal Finance such as Rich Dad, Poor Dad which is my #1 recommended Personal Finance books of all times.
  • Book recommendations of famous wealthy people such as Warren Buffett and Bill Gates and promote them by writing reviews and personal reflections.
  • Making Money related products in ClickBank.
  • Wealthy Affiliate - My #1 Recommendation
  • Other numerous legitimate programs related to Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Forex Trading etc
  • Freelance Blogging
  • Website Design
  • etc

Wealth related niches are very attractive because people spend money on it thinking it as an INVESTMENT and not an EXPENSE which they consider regarding other products.

For example, if someone buys a Car, he knows that he has lost some money never to gain again whereas purchasing a domain Name for own website is considered as an Investment since he can earn money through it.


We are created as a social species with a natural tendency to maintain good relations with family, build relations with opposite sex confidently, make friends so this is also an evergreen market that will always be profitable and never cease to exist.

The Relationship Market deals with all sorts of stuffs such as Romance, Dating Tips, Marriage Counselling, Divorce, Parenting, Finding a Partner, Sex advice, Motivation, Success, Confidence etc ....

Everyone on the planet desires to have a healthy body and mind, be wealthy, and have good company. And this desire will not end till the end of times so there is a huge scope in any of these fields if you consider for your own business. And there are millions of products BOTH PHYSICAL AND DIGITALLY for you to consider and make money from. Any niche can be made into a successful business. You just have to choose a niche that you are confident with, passionate and knowledgeable about and narrow it down to something really specific and focus on it.

To know how to choose a niche click here,

To know how to turn your hobby into a successful Affiliate Business, click here

From my blog Lets Get Wealthy

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Recent Comments


Very ueful information, Thank you.

Great post, ASherazi
I was thinking about this just recently for my next website. Thanks for sharing:)

Thanks .. a great summary of Evergreen Niche Markets and some food for thought. Cheers, William.

Thanks for this :)

Yes, these are great examples. I have heard it described as the need to focus our niche markets on the things that people either
NEED or have BURNING DESIRE for. People need products for their health. They may have a burning desire for a product they think will help them look better, lose weight etc. They may have a burning desire or a need to start a business and create an income stream.

A popular, trendy product might inspire burning desire for a short time but likely will not last. You can surf from one popular product to the next and make great money or you can settle in for the long haul with really great, proven products that help people's lives. They are two different strategies.

Thanks for your addition

I like this post. I never thought about evergreen markets.

I love your article about choosing a niche and left you a comment.

I think your insight will bring you to great heights, keep it up!☺

Thank you so much :)

You're welcome!

Excellent assessment of the internet market!

Thank you.....

Thanks for your motivation, Maam

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