How to Fix the "/feed/" Issue in Your Post URLs

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Hello Wealthy Affiliate Friends,

I've noticed a recurring issue where the URL of my posts ends with "/feed/" and as a result, Google is not ranking them. After some investigation and troubleshooting, I've found a few effective solutions that can help fix this problem.

Steps to Resolve the Issue

1.Inspect Your Links:

Ensure that all your internal links are pointing to the correct URLs of your posts and not their RSS feed versions.

2.Check Your Theme and Plugins:

Review your active theme and plugins to make sure none of them are adding "/feed/" to your post URLs.

Temporarily disable all plugins and re-enable them one by one to identify if any plugin is causing the issue.

3.SEO Plugin Settings:

If you're using an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack, verify the settings to ensure they aren't incorrectly adding "/feed/" to your URLs.

4.Review .htaccess File:

Ensure your .htaccess file is correctly set up and doesn't have any rules that add "/feed/" to your URLs. A typical WordPress .htaccess file should look like this:

5.Clear Caches:

Clear any caches on your site and browser to ensure that old links are not being served.

6.Submit Correct URLs to Google:

Use Google Search Console to submit the correct URLs for indexing and remove any incorrect URLs with "/feed/" from the index.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue and improve your site's ranking on Google. If anyone else has faced this issue or has additional tips, please share them in the comments.

Thank you!

Best regards,


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As I've said before, there is no need to fix it; it's not necessary to go through all these steps! Diane said it, and now I say it. Don't waste people's time. The feed is normal; it's part of your site. There is no need to remove it. Leave it alone. Ignore it. Do not teach the wrong thing here. STOP teaching inappropriate SEO techniques. Google encourages us to leave it alone and ignore it. Most of us do that. Just like pages they do not get indexed nor does feed but its just part of Wordpress. Misinformation is what I detest- do not post misinformation. Please.

Hi - none of this is necessary, it's perfectly acceptable and normal to have URLs that end in /feed.

They don't need to be indexed or ranked, you can ignore them.

Very helpful. Thanks.

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