Sad news Lisa Marie Presley has passed away

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A few days ago Lisa Marie and her mother Priscilla Presley both attended the Golden Globe awards to help support a young actor by the name of Austin Butler who played the lead role of Elvis in new movie.

His first nomination and also became his first Golden Globe award where at his speech he gave his thanks to both Lisa Marie and Priscilla in letting him into their hearts were both Lisa and Priscilla both gave huge raps as the best person ever to represent Elvis anywhere.

Lisa Maria on the left and Priscilla Presley on the right.

A couple of days later Lisa Marie was found in her home from what I understand as unresponsive due to a cardiac arrest but the paramedics managed to revive her pulse again.

Today I was watching the award speech by Austin along with what Lisa Marie and Priscilla has to say about him. I already here the day before about her cardiac arrest. Shortly arger watching some YouTube clips I saw a tweet that Lisa Marie passed away.

Apparently Priscilla felt they needed to turn the life support system off.

Lisa Maria was the only daughter of Elvis and is the current owner of Graceland's the home of Evis before his passing at age 42 also fromm cardiac arrest which was also due to the excess drugs he needed to take at the time.

I would like if you wish to give a minutes silence to Lisa Marie along with sending healing and prayers to Priscilla due this time of extreme hardship.

Also note that Lisa Marie had a son who suffered fromm depression and in August 2022 just last year took his own life. He never got over that and now this.

Lisa Marie I know that now you are at peace not only with your son but also with your father Evis.

May eternal peace be with you all and may love, peace and support be sent to Priscilla as well.

RIP Lisa Marie Presley 🙏🙏🙏♥♥♥

I have no more to say on this

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It is always with great sadness when you hear about ANYONE who loses their life at such a young age. There are so many factors that contribute to one's lifespan, to longevity or dying young.

Regardless of the cause it should remind us all that life is precious and should be recognized that we can have a positive impact on how we move forward. I have no doubt that where she is now is at peace.

Rest In Peace, Lisa Marie Presley

Thank you Robert I am sure she is now at peace reconciled and at one



My pleasure my friend.

Very much appreciated your support and help is always welcome


Oh wow is all I could say at first. This is such a shock. So young so beautiful, and I know the family was going through a lot after her son committed suicide. Both is such a tragedy. RIP Dear Lisa Marie Presley. My prayers and my thoughts go out too the whole family too have strength and courage. Much love and hugs!❤️🙌❤️

Thank you Michaela I am sure all the love and thoughts are being felt for all both here and there.

Thank you!❤️🙌❤️

You are welcome 🙏🙌

Aa with MANY people, Elvis was my all time idol!!!!! The whole family was beautiful. So sad about Lisa Marie. She was so young. I understand Elvis with all that his life entailed. You just never know I guess.

Austin did do a great job in the movie so did Tom Hanks even though I was so angry with him in the end.

Sad sad day......


hey sis good to hear from you and yes a very sad day I grew up watching all Elvis's movies and remember when he went to Hawaii to do the live show Dad had the good old Reel to Reel set up so we could record the music when watching the show live. Still remember it.

Certainlly understand with Elvis's life and private issue but Lisa Marie who know but don't forget he's son's suicide didn't help her either.

Regardless much heartbreak for the whole family over many years



On a side note, I was at the chemist today getting some prescriptions and this female pharmacist came to me and started talking then straight away I started to think of you as she was so similar to you in a way.

Although she was Australian the accent wasn't the same as yours, her looks weren't the same, and neither was her hair.

Then it dawned on me why, she was standing next to me then I had a quiet chuckle.

You know where I am going with that and yes ouch felt that in advance xoxo

I'm sure the stress of her son's suicide affected her health. Stress does a number on you.

I grew up watching ALL of Elvis's movies as well. I'd cancel dates just to stay home and watch Elvis. Priorities ya

Chemist getting prescriptions? We see Pharmacists. Is this natural medications? As far as her looking like me, I was wondering WHERE that was going. I should have known. Perhaps you should give me her contact information so we get her to do my bidding for me!!!! I'll train if I need to. 😉

Have a good weekend anyway.


Totally age stress can and for some become a big factor on life more than some realize. situation like what has happened like this certain affects how life continues.

As for chemist no normal meds for me and I don't have her number and don't want to ask for it because maybe next time I may not get the meds I came there for and get something else I may need pain killers for LOL


Ahhh, well. Long distance reiki works so why not long distance kicks. 😉😘

Yes long distance Reiki does work been doing that but that is positive energy being sent the other not sure is I want to receive the other thought it does seems to escape the forcefield at times. 😘😀

So sad, I didn't know yet until saw your post. I saw last night before going to bed that she had to have CPR done and one post said she was thankful to be alive. She is indeed young and has truly been through a lot herself especially losing her son to suicide.

Thank you Jannette and sad she had to go through so much recently guess the best of the days was at the awards when Austin won the Golden Globe for his portrayal of Elvis that was probably the only good thing that she enjoy since her son passed away

Also glad to hear your daughter is home now. Hope you enjoyed Harry Potter

Sending your daughter healing energies which are already there waiting for her to accept if she wishes.

Take care both of you


Yes, I missed the awards and have been wanting to watch the Elvis moving but so much has been happening lately. I hear the movie was good, can only imagine being at the Oscars to support the actor was stressful and especially being about her dad whom she lost as a young child.

Thanks for healing energies for Leeann, just catching up on what I missed yesterday while she still sleeping.

Take care

Yes Lisa Marie and Priscilla both have huge positive raps for Austin in fact they stated no one else could have done better and he nailed it. Mind you he spent 2 years prior to the movie being made practicing his voice, movement, mannerisms and more along with Elvis's voice as it changed over the years from a young age to later.

You both are welcome the energies are for both of you. As for the movie watch it when you can but your daughter is number priority. I haven't see it yet but when it becomes available here in Australia will see it.

Take care be well both of you


It's really sad. My heart goes out to her mother Priscilla. Losing a grandson and then daughter must be very difficult.

I always felt bad for Lisa. Her dad was unique in how he had to live his life due to the adoration of his fans. Given how young she was when he was taken from her, and the way his reputation was smeared so badly by men he gave the world right before that it always seemed to me she didn't quite know how to fit in. The fans had her on a pedestal as his only known child and her life experiences during her formative years was probably quite lonely.

I can't imagine the grief she was under losing her son so early.



Totally correct Jason she had more than enough on her shoulders not to mention the marriages she has as well.

There is more to her than people realize hopefully all the good she has done will come out more and people can see what a truly remarkable woman she was in her own right and not just the daughter of Elvis and Priscilla.

Priscilla has gone through much herself and I am amazed at how strong she has been with all that happened even before his death, controlling Gracelands until Lisa Marie was old enough to take over now she has to go through so much more once more.

Plus the loss of her grandson and now there are three granddaughters to watch over and take care of as well as dealing with these tragedies

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