I'm back!

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Good day everyone!

I can't believe it has been so many years since I have actively been on here. But here we go, round 3. Hopefully I make some money this time.

My son is now in Kindergarten and I am homeschool him. We live in the middle of nowhere AZ, technically in a national forest, 1 hour drive away from town. My life has been a lot of ups and downs the past few years, but my want to grow a successful online blog has remained the same; so back I come again!

On first glance, I am super happy to see that the trainings have been updated! THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO CONTRIBUTED! There are actually so many new things to learn, I don't feel like I am able to skip ahead on some of the parts. Yay! New stuff to learn!

I am a forever student, and I will continue to learn and try to be the best version of myself. I hope to pass that to my kids as they grow into their own people. I'm refining my niche to homeschooling this time as this is a major focus of my life. My youngest and I are traversing the new world of homeschooling, and I hope to share that with other Moms and build a community to help those who want to learn more or maybe those who are exploring the world of homeschooling.

Anyhow, so happy to be back! Looking forward to moving forward and hopefully this third time around making some money from doing this. My goals, in the next year, is to make the $300 back that I spent to get access to WA again. More would be awesome, but that is my year goal.

Here's to never giving up and never surrendering!

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Recent Comments


Welcome back, Angela!

Homeschooling sounds like a good niche, given you are passionate about it.

Welcome back, Angela, and congrats on the "homeschooling" niche. I'm sure you'll be very successful. Regards, Jenni.

Welcome back Angela!

I strongly believe this time you gonna make some money, yes!

Best of luck.

Welcome back!


Welcome back, Angela!


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