My Journey - The Beginning

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Hey everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well! Me too...

I know, I am late - should have penned (lol typed!!) my thoughts earlier - however better late than never, right?? I joined the WA community about 2 months ago and I think my first blog here should start with - how has my journey been here so far?

The Community

WOW! That was and still is my reaction every time I visit this community. I see how people interact with each other. How they are freely sharing thoughts, ideas, methods, experiences, tips - it's simply amazing. Undoubtedly, one of the best communities to be part of. The help and support from everyone is simply superb and that also is a great motivation to keep going!

The engagements alone were enough for me to go for a Premium membership within a few days of joining WA. Of course, there was the training too!

The Training

The curriculum is brilliant!

The breakdown of each training into small segments is very helpful and practical.

Training videos are very detailed, and Kyle has definitely done a very fine job there. Any beginner can understand them easily. I am a beginner, and I had many reservations about if I will be able to understand, to cope, or able to actually learn something fruitful. Today I can say one thing with confidence learning here never stops and it is very easy to learn here. Learning opportunities are everywhere in these communities and are not just restricted to training or classes. However, remember - this training is your base. We all must follow them to the T.

Any challenge

Well sure!!! Is there a life without challenge, I think not. Challenges are good, they help us to dig deeper, find out more, keep us on our toes.

So yes, there have been a few hiccups however the good thing is there are solutions too that will come your way. Honesty, I have faced more internal challenges than external ones.

Internal challenges would typically be managing your goals, your time - setting priorities, etc.

Trust me 70% of your battle will be won if you can manage these effectively. It is very difficult to keep a schedule every single day, maintain goals every single day, reaching targets every single day. However, if anyone wants to succeed, they must sort these out first. It is doable!! All we need is to be disciplined enough to stick to a plan. 100% adherence is also not required. If you achieve adhering to about 70% to 80%. you will still accomplish a lot. My biggest hurdles to date were these issues and I have now sorted them out and looking for a positive result.

Another internal issue I faced is selecting the niche - if you really do not have a passion for a niche then please do not select it, especially if you are a beginner. You do not want to feel like working - as a beginner you must try and feel like enjoying, having a good time, and learning & earning along the way. The job becomes easier and more fun when you have a passion for the niche! I made a blunder there and learned it the hard way.

External issues - not much really. I have faced some technical challenges regarding the website - eg - widgets not working, menus, customization, etc. The support team helped in a few scenarios however wherever the suggestion was to contact the theme provider I have met a dead end so far. None of my emails received any response from the theme provider, which is definitely an issue! If you don't want your websites to look very plain and simple you will definitely try out some interesting themes out there however if there is no adequate support on that when things are not working properly then it poses a challenge. Still figuring this out.

Any success yet?

Well, that depends on what you want to call success. If the question is, have I earned anything so far - the answer is NO! The next question is does that make me unsuccessful - probably the answer is still NO!!

I am learning the "game", undergoing training & doing research.

I have understood that overcoming internal obstacles are the key to achievement and I am working on them and making good progress.

I am putting my faith in the system, community and mostly myself and hoping to get to the "money" part real soon! The tools are all here and how to use them is being taught in several ways. Rest depends on each one of us to utilize them in the best possible way.

Do feel free to share your thoughts, experience, suggestions, tips...

Take Care and all the best to you!

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Recent Comments


A great first blog post here Anirban!

It sounds like things are progressing very nicely my friend and all the very best moving forward!

Thanks Jessie!

You're most welcome my friend!

You got this.. keep it up 😊

Thanks Justine

By sharing your journey, you are giving a good description of the wealthy affiliate program.

Thanks Jim!

You're welcome.

Nicely said, Anirban! I wish you the best success moving forward!


Thanks Jeff!!

You're very welcome, my friend!

Your blog post and message are excellent. I wish you all the best for your online journey and business ventures. Congrats on your firs blog post.

Thank you so much!

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