How could a WA banner be added to the site page and have the Get Started button activated?
If you want to add other banners for other programs than as Newguru states use the text option on the top right of the page and then paste in the code for your chosen banners
How can a banner be added to your site page?
How could a WA banner be added to the site page and have the Get Started button activated?
If you want to add other banners for other programs than as Newguru states use the text option on the top right of the page and then paste in the code for your chosen banners
Does the Getting Started page summarize the website? like an index?
The Get Started Here page is a serious of 10 lessons for the starter package and 60 lessons for the premium package!!! I cannot begin to say how beneficial this information is if you are new to website design! Please check it out and if you have any questions just ask!!! There are plenty of people here to answer!!!! ((:
Misty, Thank you for the update. There is certainly a lot of material to go through and understand. i am about halfway through the 10 lessons now and look forward to complete it at the earliest. Amitava
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What exactly is included in the getting started page?
Does the Getting Started page summarize the website? like an index?
The Get Started Here page is a serious of 10 lessons for the starter package and 60 lessons for the premium package!!! I cannot begin to say how beneficial this information is if you are new to website design! Please check it out and if you have any questions just ask!!! There are plenty of people here to answer!!!! ((:
Misty, Thank you for the update. There is certainly a lot of material to go through and understand. i am about halfway through the 10 lessons now and look forward to complete it at the earliest. Amitava
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I would like to ask a question? can a non member have access to sign up banners?