My First Google Adsense Payout
My first Google Adsense Payout from my website written in Spanish
Hello everyone!
Hope you all are doing well and keep working on your website.
Yesterday was the day I could see my saving account getting the first payout from Google Adsense of US $200
And I must say: It feels so good!
This is the payout from the website and the YouTube channel together.
It has been a long way to learn how to do all that it's needed to be done to achieve this goal, but as the first payout, it proves that this works great and now I'm more motivated to keep working to make it better!
From a website badly written and with content that wasn't ranking good at all, to work hard on it for almost 2 years, and starting to get this results, all I can say is this: it takes lots of work and time, but it is worth it!
Hope you keep at it, learn everything about your niche and how to write a website, and help your audience first, then the money will come.
Have a great week and keep working to create more content for your website (s)
Thanks for reading my blog today.
If you have any question, leave it on a comment!
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Alejandra well done.