Specialised Supported Housing - A Breakthrough After 4+ months
Hi Everyone,
I hope you all had a successful week so far?
Yesterday, 25th February 2025 was a very important day for us because we got feedback from the Local Authority Specialised Supported Housing Team that made a decision in principle about wanting to support a property that we had put forward to them for consideration several months ago! Finally!
Why is that at all important you may ask?
Well, it makes a big difference in terms of our ability to fund this project for a start, and it makes a big difference to the returns that are possible on that property investment for investors.
Why should you care?
It not only makes a difference to us, but it also makes a difference to 10 disabled or vulnerable people currently in need of housing who may be housed in that property.
We will now develop a large unused closed-down care home of 7000 square feet into 10 new spacious apartments to be allocated to disabled or vulnerable people who need care in their own residences.
So what next?
This decision makes us motivated to secure the property as quickly as possible, and seeking permission for and then start converting a closed down disused care home into new homes for people who need them.
It is also a contribution towards solving the UK's chronic housing shortage.
So far this week has been good for us, and the next few weeks and months will also be good for us following up on this breakthrough.
If Local Authorities made decisions quicker we could also improve our rate of production of new properties from old buildings.
We look forward to celebrating our successes online as this is how we can communicate to the world what we do.
We have 2 other similar projects in process at the moment, both conversion of empty offices that have been disused for more than a year, and converting these into 9 lovely new apartments, some of them with historic features that will be preserved. These lovely old Georgian buildings were originally built as merchants houses, subsequently they were used as offices. With recent changes in working practices these buildings are no longer needed as offices, so it is fitting that they are returned to residential use, and can house 9+ people in need of good quality homes.
We hope to start another 10 or so projects this year, and attain our target of converting buildings into 100+ new quality homes for people in need of housing.
What we need to do is systemise our social media posting so as to reach the maximum number of people, explaining how we solve people's property problems (take empty buildings that are costing money to maintain and are not generating revenue, effectively losing money, and converting them into high quality and value residential homes).
It wont make much impact on the UK's chronic housing shortage, of more than a million homes, but at least it is our small contribution to making a difference to people's lives.
I wish you a great weekend ahead, wherever you are in the world!
Recent Comments
Good Morning Alan,
It might seem like a drop in the ocean, but for people who can live there it is a huge improvement.
Greetings from the south of S`pain,
HI Taetske,
It is great to hear from you and I hope that you are keeping well.
Yes we contribute a small amount to the country's economy, but it is really hard work and if the buraeucracy were less we could contribute 10 x more, LOL:-) cheers Alan.
Good Morning Alan,
Yes, thank you, all ok here in the south.
I am spending my time intently watching the evolution of the world.
I know what you mean with the hassle of bureaucracy, here in Spain they are very good at it.
All the best.
Wealthy Affiliate isn't just about Affiliate Marketing. Property Investment and Development produce business income. That is entrepreneurial and of interest to others.
Hi Maxine,
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and comment on our post. I have taken my focus off blogging recently as I have been overwhelmed, but I would like to get back into the Top 50 on WA soon. Enjoy your weekend! Cheers Alan.
Take it easy, Alan. WA blogging is always here. What you're doing to offset housing shortage is more important now.
Have a productive week ahead.
Maxine :)
That's brilliant, transforming unused buildings seems so much better than the fields being built on around where I live.
Keep up the great work
Hi Peter,
There are numerous opportunities to do this everywhere in the country, and you would think the process would be easier as this is a WIN WIN for everyone. From recent experience it took us 4 months to get planning permission on one of our sites (and that is regarded as GOOD GOING!), then we have been waiting 6 months for funding to purchase the site and another 3 months for development funding (to enable us to convert it from its current empty office state into flats). It is painfully slow, the actual build process will only take 4 months, so by August we will be done. Have a great weekend, cheers Alan.
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Sounds great Alan! With the property challenges in the UK right now... especially for the disabled, this is great news!
All the very best moving forward with your other projects my friend and enjoy the rest of your weekend! :-)
Hi Nick, Thank you very much for taking the time to read and comment on our post, have a great weekend! cheers Alan.
Cheers my friend! :-)