The benefits of engaging in physical activities

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There are many benefits you may experience while you engage in physical activities. It can help decrease depression and anxiety symptoms, it will make you feel good(more alert and confident), and your physique will change for the better. You will notice less fat around your body and you will look more lean or muscular. You won't have as many health issues either. Exercising regularly will help normalize blood pressure, decrease risk of diabetes, stroke and heart attacks. Diet is also the main factor to stay healthy. Make sure you eat the right meals to stay healthy. You can even look for more tips at

I know many of us are busy working and going to school trying to get a good grade. Try to put some time aside for physical exercises. Go for a brisk walk, lift some weights, or you can do some yoga. If you can, try to join a fitness club. Engaging with people who are physically active will help motivate you to exercise regularly, eat healthy and stay in shape. There are some work environments that encourage their employers to eat healthy and have them do some light exercises while they are on their break.

Not everyone likes spending too much time reading, so here is a list of benefits from engaging in physical activities.

  • Improves memory and brain function
  • Increase in life expectancy
  • Aid in weight management
  • Protect against chronic diseases and illnesses
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improve heart health
  • Improve quality of sleep
  • Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression
  • May reduce chances of getting cancer
  • Improve joint pain and stiffness
  • Maintain muscle strength and balance
  • Empower you to feel in control

These are all the benefits listed above. Some of these benefits I can relate too. My muscles don't feel as stiff, I don't feel as depressed, anxious and fatigued, I feel more alert and confident too. My blood pressure has always been on the bit on the low side. It usually drops if I don't eat on time, and that's something I need to work on. I do need to consume less sweets and carbs, and eat more protein and veggies/fruits.

For those who are not aware to what will happen to your body due to physical inactivity, lets just say it can lead to many health problems. Physical inactivity is the fourth most common risk factor contributing to deaths and burden of disease around the globe. There are many risks if an individual doesn't engage in physical activity such as obesity, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

It's only up to you if you want to take care of yourself. Technically as the saying goes my body, my choice. Well, all I can say is you got me there. You go your way, and I go my way. Be safe and healthy. :)

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Recent Comments


Thank you for this reminder, Adam.
In addition, studies have shown that a couple of minutes of light exercise, every half hour when working/learning/writing etc improves concentration exponentially. Apparently, we can concentrate deeply for up to about 22 mins then need a short change to retain the depth. The studies were done in various American and European Universities to checkout the value of the Pomodoro effect.

I'll look more into that. Sometimes I do need breaks literally every 20-30 minutes because I just can't concentrate. Moving around helps the brain stay alert.

I think if you search for “Pomodoro studies” or similar you’ll find useful input.

I'm literally doing research right now on pomodoro studies.

Thank you Adam for reminding us of the benefits of exercise especially since most of us have become so accustomed to doing nothing in this ongoing pandemic.

I find exercise fun, fulfilling and a great way to reduce my fat loss

Even doing normal house chores is a form of physical activity such as vacuuming, wiping the counters and the mirrors, or if you're doing spring cleaning, you can get a great work out moving furniture around. LOL
Also a great way to get your mind of stuff. I always like to listen to music while I'm cleaning and working out. Makes the day go by quicker and funner.

Not really for me
Give me all the HIT exercises :)

Heck yeah, even better. XD


I agree physical activity is definitely good for us and for a while I was not getting enough done.

FYI you should not post a link to your website in your post. It is ok to say check out my website under my profile. But a direct link in the post is not allowed.


Oh shoot, yes one of the rules that I forgot. Okay won’t happen again.

No worries it happens.

Hi Adam,
Absolutely, physical activities are necessity to our daily life, after all health is a wealth!
Keep up the good job!


Agreed, the human body is meant for moving around. Health is wealth. 😊


Nice read Adam, the benefits of doing regular physical activities should never be overlooked by any of us.

Having a hyperactive little Jack Russell, I have no choice but to exercise regularly, which works out great for both of us!

Enjoy the start of your weekend my friend!

Oh yes, having a great friend like your dog helps motivate you to stay physically active. Sometimes pets are the best motivators compared to some humans. Enjoy your weekend too. Be safe.

I would say that pets are always the best motivators over all humans!

Humans can be very lazy my friend, not all of course, but when you need to take your dog out, they are not going to turn round and say "not now, I'm not in the mood to exercise!

So true and less drama from animals. Lol

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