What are some things WA members have done to appeal or deal with cancellation from various platforms, whether social media or media sharing sites, auction or sales sites, etc?
This does happen. Not sure how much content you have on your domain website, but you can add more content posts and get more traffic that way. You have control of your website.
Maybe the following websites will help you find more content topics to write about.
Use tools like the following to see questions you can address for your niche.
soolve dotcom answersocrates dotcom usetopic dot com/people-also-ask and Google search scroll down and find "People also ask section" or use Quora.com. You can also use searchresponse dot io/people-also-ask
Register with a new email but also as suggested earlier follow up with the social media platform.
I read how to appeal my case and if I am eligible. With social media platforms they may ask for a photo ID, let you know what is it you've done as per their community standards guidelines.
Never had a serious experience other than the one described above. However, I have heard from others, that the bottom line it is down to them whether they'll let you or not.
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What can we do if we're cancelled by social platforms?
What are some things WA members have done to appeal or deal with cancellation from various platforms, whether social media or media sharing sites, auction or sales sites, etc?
I would contact the support team of that social platform and ask for a reason. If the reason fits, then you will have to wait it out or sign in with a new ID. The downside about this is that you will not have access to your content.
All the best!
This does happen. Not sure how much content you have on your domain website, but you can add more content posts and get more traffic that way. You have control of your website.
Maybe the following websites will help you find more content topics to write about.
Use tools like the following to see questions you can address for your niche.
soolve dotcom answersocrates dotcom usetopic dot com/people-also-ask and Google search scroll down and find "People also ask section" or use Quora.com. You can also use searchresponse dot io/people-also-ask
Register with a new email but also as suggested earlier follow up with the social media platform.
I read how to appeal my case and if I am eligible. With social media platforms they may ask for a photo ID, let you know what is it you've done as per their community standards guidelines.
Never had a serious experience other than the one described above. However, I have heard from others, that the bottom line it is down to them whether they'll let you or not.
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I would contact the support team of that social platform and ask for a reason. If the reason fits, then you will have to wait it out or sign in with a new ID. The downside about this is that you will not have access to your content.
All the best!