Start With The Right Motivation


When you look at people who are successful, you will find that they aren't
the people who are motivated, but have consistency in their motivation
- Arsene Wenger

When you get started in any new venture it is important that you look at your motivation factors before jumping in. All too often people start off with shortsighted goals which lead them to shortsighted results. Short shortsightedness means that it is not something that can or will keep your attention over a long period of time.

Many people start out a business venture, especially an online business venture, by thinking only of the money they are going to make. But to have a successful business you must think about your values, your time available to work the business and how they match up to the needs of the business you are thinking about doing. It is said:

If you love what you are doing, you will never work a day in your life

I believe that is true, but the opposite is also very true, if you are not happy or not content in what you are doing you will be miserable, eventually. You need to make sure that whatever ideas you come up with are ideas that mesh with you, the true inner you, the one who knows your core values.

Your motivation needs to come from inside sources, internal motivation sources are ones that are created inside you using your core values and they are truly a part of you. Internal motivation may be things like:
- By reaching this goal I will be walking in the shoes of my grandfather who I so admire, it has been a lifetime goal to do the same job he did.
- I am very interested in this line of work because it makes my heart sing.
- When I think about serving my community in this way I know it is the right thing, it just feels right deep into my core.

When your motivation factors originated from internal sources you will be able to achieve that place of loving what you do, so that you will not be working a day in your life.

External, or outside sources is sadly what many people start off with when making business choices. An external factor is something that comes from somewhere outside of you and usually has nothing to do with the real you. Examples of external sources would be:
- I can make several thousand dollars a month if I would just do this.
- My friend is making good money doing this, I really have no interest in doing it, but I can't pass up the money.
- If I do this then I will be admired by others.

When you use external factors as your start point the only direction you can go in is down. You can never bring an external factor inside and make it an internal motivational factor. So even though the money may be good, if you do not enjoy what you are doing, you will not be happy. Which means you will not stay motivated and you can not stay consistent when you are not happy. Your business will slide and could eventually fail if you do not start with the right motivational factors.

When you start for the right reasons and you keep those reason in mind every day, you will be enjoying what you are doing and having a great experience doing what you do every day. When your motivation factors make you happy it isn't even an effort to stay consistent because you love what you are doing. So choose wisely, look deep inside yourself to figure out what makes you happy and what makes your heart sing. So not just pick a niche because it happens to be one that is popular this month.

I wish you the very best in choosing what you do so that you will be happy for your entire life!

Wendy Mae, Ph.D.
Academy of Spirit

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Recent Comments


Very well put Wendy. Nice blog indeed

Thank you Bluegum!

Very insightful, thank you:)

Thank you for reading it!

What a wonderful post, I feel a passion for this type of business and I am very happy doing it even though I am often outside my comfort zone,, Really love the quote you have ... and it is true we need those ingredients money is merely a part of the process

Thanks for your comments KatieMac, I'm so happy that you got something out of my blog post. I hope you are inspired to find your "calling"

Thank you Wendy.
Great perspective :)

Thanks krazykat!

Great post Wendy! I am not there yet but working on it am am better off than not that long ago!
I am excited because I really believe that WA is going to be the missing link I had been needing?

James, I am so glad to hear that you know you are better off today than in days past. That attitude is what it takes to pull it all together and reach the goal line.

I totally agree that the WA community is uplifting and encouraging. It feels like the warm family that many never had. I am so glad to be on your team, and honored that you are on mine, James.

Hi Wendy,

It always sounds so easy and simple when I read articles like this.
(and there is nothing wrong with the blog, that's not what I want to say.)
but in real life it is difficult to apply that guidance all the time...

I try to live like that "as much as possible"... :-)
But it is because I try to do fewer things I don't like, that I started with WA, but I also started some other projects to accomplish that...
It is not easy!


Hi Grtz, You are totally correct, it is NOT EASY! When I work with my clients we talk about how we have multiple thought patterns that mess with your intentions. We name them and learn to recognize the good ones and separate out the ones that try to derail you and get you off into the weeds. This is part of the normal human experience, so you are doing nothing wrong, but it does get much easier when you can identify your thoughts as coming from your true-self, that which is in charge of your core beliefs. Because most of our human thoughts, feelings and reaction come from our ego, which can get us thinking and reacting in ways that we don't really intend.

Once a person develops an understanding of that duality they are much more able to stay on the track that they lay down for themself. I've seen it in myself and many clients that I've worked with over the years. It is like finding freedom from the crazy in a way. Of course a human can never get away from their ego, it is a part of us, but we can train it to take the back seat instead of the driver's seat.

I hope that helps.

Hello Wendy,

Yes, thanks, Just as we "categorize" blogs and posts, do we have to do that with our thoughts...

Grtz = Greetings,


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