New Year, New Decade

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Well, we all made it through the busyness of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now on to the New Year. This year is a little different though. Not only is this the start of a New Year but a New DECADE! With this, I want to set some big goals for myself.

Those typical "New Years Resolutions" I want to leave behind. Those resolutions to be healthier, work out more, save more money, etc. etc.

Those are things that I should be focused on everyday anyway. I believe I am made for more than that. I should be striving for MORE. So with this new decade comes new, BIG goals. I do need those other "resolutions" of being healthier and working out to achieve more. So I can't just leave those by the wayside. Those are methods I will use to achieve these even bigger goals. What I'm saying is that those resolutions will not be my focus in this new year and new decade. My focus for this new decade is to step out of my comfort zone. I mean, to really be uncomfortable.

I strongly believe that if you are living in your comfort zone you aren't growing. I tend to find that my "happy place" is just going with the flow. Not going against what this world & society says. Not drawing attention to myself but being comfortable just "fitting in". But, I want to change that. I shouldn't be scared of being ME. Chasing my dreams & my goals.

I followed the typical path that this world says you should follow. Get good grades in high school, go to college & get a stable job. Check, check & check. But, that doesn't mean I'm happy doing that...even though that is what society says will make you happy. I want to chase after what I was made to do. To be uncomfortable, to try new things & fail until I find what that is...what I was made to do & THRIVE at it.

That may mean I leave my comfortable, salary paying job & enter into a world unknown. It may mean I go weeks or months without a paycheck. It may mean I try something & fail, then try again. It's overwhelming when I think about it. But, what I need to focus on is the freedom that I could gain. Not having the 9-5 lifestyle. Not having a limited number of PTO days. Not having deadlines. But instead gaining more time with family. Gaining more flexibility with my days. Gaining more FREEDOM.

This will take longer than just the next year. Anything worthwhile is an investment. Which is why I say this isn't just my New Years Resolution but my goal for the next decade. I want to make something out of my life. Not just go with the flow. So, 2020 will bring lots of ups and downs. Lots of trials and errors. But, I'm excited to be uncomfortable. I'm excited to fail until I find where I fit. I'm excited for the endless possibilities ahead of me.

Cheers to 2020! Enjoy the last few days of the decade and hit this new one RUNNING.

All the best


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Recent Comments


Great one! Happy New Year to you!🎊

May you enjoy a prosperous and happy new year Abby.

Thanks for the GREAT post, Abby! It IS going to be a new decade--I believe one of GREAT promise! Here's to the best year for everyone here!


I echo your words: anything worth while is an investment.

Thank you

Pat Bracy

All the best!

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