Done & Done.But Not Really

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I'm excited to make, what I think, is a good amount of progress! I completed the Online Entrepreneur Certification courses, all 5 different levels. Done & Done! But not really, because I want to continue to learn. Those 5 levels covered AWESOME infomation but there is still so much improving that I want to do. The world of internet marketing is HUGE & will always be ever changing. So my learning will never be done.

But, I'm excited to make it this far & will celebrate these small achievements...because that means that I am maing progress! Now, I look forward. At the next 6 months, 12 months, 24 months & hopefully beyond. As I sit down and plan out goals for myself, I would love to hear your stories!

How long have you been a part of WA & what have you achieved so far? Is there anything you would do differently? Any advice?

Excited to be a part of the WA family. Such a supportive and learning based community!

All the best to you in your internet endevors.


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Recent Comments


You are a fast learner, Abby.
Within such a short time, you have completed the OEC.
Incredible and great.
Keep going and works on your goals.
All the best and have fun.

p.s. Want some read some success stories? You can check this out when you are free or have the time. Click the like button if it is of use or help to you in any way:

Abby, I've been here about a year and a half. I love every moment of it. My purpose is to encourage our members and that's what I do best. Yes, I do have 4 websites, and they have brought some, but not a lot of money, which is my fault because I have not worked them.
You go for it!

Well done Abby. Working through the training is the key to making it work. Putting it into practice now and on a regular basis will keep your business growing.
Good luck!

Awesome to complete all that training in less than a month! A new record? I love it here too. I have been active for about a year, starting as a greener than green newbie. One year and I have multiple sites up and making money, made Ambassador, and about to make a major push to make Vegas.

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