A Temporary Lifestyle - 2020 Refresh

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You know what I think we underestimate the power of? Sunshine.

These are some strange times we are living in right now. Quarantined to our own homes. Limiting the time we spend with other people. Hoarding food and toilet paper. Restaurants, bars, gyms, meetings, concerts and so much more being closed. These are the times our kids will hear us talk about.

It can also be a scary time though. Yes, I think the media always escilates things, and maybe blows them a bit out of proportion, but we are taking necessary steps to keep all of us safe and healthy - and to keep this pandemic under as much control as we can.

It's not just the restaurants closing & being told to stay at home that makes this all feel strange. Yes, that obviously contributes but for me - it's the little things. When I was a little girl, I would always watch airplanes in the sky when I was feeling scared or overwhelming. Living near an airport there was always one in the sky! During these times though, it's hard to even find an airplane flying by. Again, some strange time we find ourselves in right now.

But, I want to take this time & look at it as a restart. A refresh to 2020 if you will. It's not very often that you get some time at the New Year, New Decade actually, to slow down. This is a different lifestyle pace for many of us. But, embrace it. Use this time to boost your business.

But I also want to encourage you to use this time to get outside. The power of sunshine is something we take for granted. In my opinion, we don't spend nearly enough time outside. Not only can the sunshine help you heal from physical sickness - it can do WONDERS to your mood.

So take that break. Get off your computer. Go for a walk in the country air & soak up that vitamin D that we all need so bad.

Stay healthy, my friends.


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Very nice post, Abby! The media blew it out of proportion more than a bit though! It was almost akin to yelling "FIRE" in a movie theater, in my opinion!🙄🙄


Agreed. I agree that it is better to be safe than sorry...but also no need for nationwide panic :)

Yes--a very fine line, indeed, though, Abby!

We work indoors so a walk under the sun outdoors is necessary and feels good.

Great advice Abby. There's nothing quite like a nice long walk with the dog at the beach or through a woodland.
Hope the sun shines tomorrow - I'm off!!!

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