Update on Moderately Promoting WA

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I started the Facebook group on February 3rd, and that same day I had over 20 people join the group. I still do not have a website that I promote in the group, I just promote WA and create a tip of the day every day except Sunday.

This group has steadily grown in members, as you can see I now have 142 and counting. While I still have not made a sale yet, I do have some very curious members, I call them clickers lol.

referral clickers

I have faith that I can make a sale without a website that compliments my work in the group. I may need to amp up my promotion of WA a little more yet, but I see the curiosity brewing in my group, and that is part of what it takes to get people to sign up.

I will continue this experiment without a website for a bit longer. I will eventually create a website to promote WA, but I am still curious to see what I can accomplish without a website.

I will post another update in a few months to show my progress again.

Thanks for checking out my experiment.


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Interesting approach. But realize you are promoting a program that primarily teaches to begin affiliate marketing by building a website. I would think that one should first do they are teaching others to do. Your prospects may lose trust if they find out you aren’t doing what your promotion teaches. Certainly there are many ways to make money than a website but I perhaps build the basics too. That way you can let your prospects know you are doing that if asked. Good luck. Curious to know how the Facebook group works out

My group members know that I have websites that are promoting other products. I provide updates on their progress, and encourage them to start a site that is based on their passions and to sign up for Wealthy Affiliate for the best training and hosting.

This is totally an experiment on promoting WA as a beginner friendly platform to achieve building a successful websit of their choice.

Fingers crossed for success 😉


Hello Stacie

Thank you sharing. This is great news and is very interesting. Facebook groups are very powerful indeed and often work a lot better than pages. I first learned about the power of Facebook groups a couple of years ago when I created a group about Windows XP.

It was just for a hobby and growth was slow to start with. It took me about a month or so to get my first few members but a few weeks later the group took off and started growing really fast and now it has almost 20,000 members.

I have a lot of experience with Facebook groups and that is what taught me the power and potential of them. I now have a team of moderators that help me run the group because of it's size and consistent amount of spam.

I'm going to be creating more groups in the future and I plan to create one about making money online at some point as well to give myself an extra opportunity for website traffic and for promoting WA.

All of that being I said I highly recommend you set up a website at some point because it is the foundation of your business and an important part of it. It will also help you get extra traffic from search engine which will further boost your WA promotions.

I currently have 3 WA referrals which are still only starter members but I got them through one of my websites. Start by finding a domain you like and purchase it so you have it when you are ready to build your website which is a good start.

Don't give up with Facebook though and I think you should definitely keep doing what you are doing. As I already said Facebook groups are very powerful so keep using them. I'm really looking forward to hearing how it goes and seeing your progress.

Thank you again for sharing. I have followed you on WA so I can keep up with your progress and your online journey. If you ever have any questions or if you ever need a hand let me know. I will be more than happy to help you out. All the best to your success.




Thanks so much for the thoughtful and in-depth comment.

I do use my other websites that I have created here at WA as an example of what my groupies can achieve as well, and I encourage them by saying they could achieve success even faster than I have. I let them know all the mistakes I have made along the way, so they can avoid the same pitfalls.

So essentially I do use websites to promote WA, just they are not dedicated to promoting WA themselves, they are the results of my joining the platform and potential success stories for me to share.

I also do actually have a Work From Home Website, it is not hosted here with WA, and I have not created many articles on the site, when I get it all straightened out, I will most likely utilize that site in my group. I just have not decided on the full future of that site yet.

With already having 3 other sites hosted here, I will take my time in deciding how to move forward with that one, I have a lot on my plate lol, and sometimes it feels like my spaghetti noodles are getting away from me lol.

I may tap into your Facebook Group expertise in the future, thank you so much for the offer as well.


Hello Stacie

You're very welcome and thank you for your reply. It's great you are utilizing your websites for your Facebook group and it will definitely help if you keep doing it.

Your work from home website sounds great and would be great for promoting WA as well. You could write a WA review on there to and insert your WA affiliate link.

If you ever decide to do that you could share the link to your review in your Facebook group so your members can find out more about WA.

It'd ok to feel overwhelmed and it happens to me sometimes to. Just take things slowly but don't give up. Do a bit of work each day or each week as you can. It's ok to slow down but never stop.

One other tip I have for you is use the banners that you have access to on WA for your promotion. I'm not sure if you know or not but there is banners and images you can download from the affiliate section on WA to use in your promotions.

They are quite good and will get your group members curious. You could use them to in your group to promote WA and I encourage to share more about WA in your group if you haven't already.

It will help you get referrals as an informed reader is more likely to take action than an uniformed one. It sounds like you are on the right path. Keep doing what you are doing and keep up the great work.

If you ever want me to take a look at your work from home website and give some feedback I'm happy to do so anytime. I'm also here to help anytime if you need help with your Facebook group or anything else.

Thank you again for your reply. I look forward to seeing how your experiment goes and all your future progress. All the best to your success.



Hope it all works out, Stacie!


Thanks Jeff.

You bet, Stacie!

Hi Stacie

That is interesting.

You may want to create a website so that you’ll have it ready for if and when you decide to use it.

At the very least, I recommend you buy a domain so that you can create a professional email address based on it and you’ll be able to claim the social channels and other Web 2.0 platforms that may be of use to you going forward.

It would be nice to create a site with a professional looking static homepage to have ready to go. You don’t have to show it to your Facebook group at this time.

It is becoming more and more obvious that we can create a business without being concerned about organic search engine traffic.

There are those who make money with monetizing video platforms like YouTube without a website.

Good luck with your experiment and please keep us in the loop regarding the ongoing results. 😎

Frank 🎸


Thanks for the suggestion, I am using the sites I have created with WA to show the potential success that is achievable, and I encourage my groupies to be even more successful with their own ventures.

I have some good solid plans for moving forward with this, I will keep you guys updated. When I first posted about this experiment, I only had 62 members and I am now up to 143, one more than yesterday when I posted. I created my original post on 4/29/24, in 2 months with no website articles to boost the group's growth, the group has more than doubled in members. I am curious to see how many members I can attain without website articles.


Sounds good, Stacie. 😎

Congratulations Stacie, I am really for you :)

Thanks AbiePPlus! I truly appreciate your support!
This has been a fun experiment so far!


No problem, that's what the community is about :)

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