About Telecaster89
Rank 41379
539 followers Joined March 2014
My name is Craig. I am a I. T. Professional who is interested in Affiliate Marketing. Some of my hobbies are singing





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asked in
Getting Started


I know it is not a question related to my website but I recently purchased a new Macbook Air which I am going to be using to build my site. I am currently using a s

Hey Craig,

Knowing there are fewer MAC users ... and the possibility that you may not receive anyone's advice on this. I decided to step in and try offering you what I would do.

Searching Google using "best docking stations for Thunderbolt 2" (without the quotation marks, of course) I discovered one post that recommended 7 choices ... and offered details ... while still other posts suggested others choices.

Personally, I would read over the quit a few of these posts to see which one docking station was given the "thumbs up" by most (if not all) of the posts who offered reviews. AND ... I would remove ANY with affiliate links from MY choices to read through, simply because of the "parroting" I've discovered that is going on with some affiliate websites (which is why I refuse to review any product or service I've NEVER used).

Hope this helps you.

Thank you. I will check it out. I did do some research online before posting the question and I did get alot of people with affiliate links as you mentioned. I have to filter through those for sure.

I know @kyle uses a mac by looking at the training videos. Maybe he can shed some light on what he uses.

I love mac os over windows and I am very familar with the OS and decided I wanted to go back to Mac OSX for building my site.

Thanks Again,


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Docking station for macbook air?

Docking station for macbook air?

asked in
Getting Started


I know it is not a question related to my website but I recently purchased a new Macbook Air which I am going to be using to build my site. I am currently using a s

Hey Craig,

Knowing there are fewer MAC users ... and the possibility that you may not receive anyone's advice on this. I decided to step in and try offering you what I would do.

Searching Google using "best docking stations for Thunderbolt 2" (without the quotation marks, of course) I discovered one post that recommended 7 choices ... and offered details ... while still other posts suggested others choices.

Personally, I would read over the quit a few of these posts to see which one docking station was given the "thumbs up" by most (if not all) of the posts who offered reviews. AND ... I would remove ANY with affiliate links from MY choices to read through, simply because of the "parroting" I've discovered that is going on with some affiliate websites (which is why I refuse to review any product or service I've NEVER used).

Hope this helps you.

Thank you. I will check it out. I did do some research online before posting the question and I did get alot of people with affiliate links as you mentioned. I have to filter through those for sure.

I know @kyle uses a mac by looking at the training videos. Maybe he can shed some light on what he uses.

I love mac os over windows and I am very familar with the OS and decided I wanted to go back to Mac OSX for building my site.

Thanks Again,


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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have my domain name which i purchased here and now I want to ask the community on what is the best theme to use to make it scaleable as my website grows over time with regard

You can try looking for by googling with a keyword "best theme for..... (your niche) ".

Hey Craig,

I three words to answer this question.
Keep It Simple

Any theme that has a simple layout and is easy for your visitors to navigate.

ThemeGrill.com has a nice variety of simple themes you might like.

Also, HashThemes has some nice simple ones as well. I like their theme called 'Square'

Hope this helps :)

Thank you Marlinda

I am going to take a look through the different themes in themegrill.com

I just looked at hashthemes and square is very nice professional looking with a easy looking layout.


np :) Glad I could help and the best thing to do is choose something and build ur site. You can spend a lot of time fussing over a theme because many have annoying little bugs in them.

Every one will have something that gets you cuz they all want you to buy the premium versions, lol, which is ok too but not necessary. I mean, you have to be sort of tight when you're starting out too and business-wise, it's not a requirement to have a premium theme.

From my experience, that fancy stuff just confuses people anyways and I get much better results just with a simple boring looking theme, lol.

Hope you find what you're looking for though :)

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Best website theme's for a scaleable site?

Best website theme's for a scaleable site?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have my domain name which i purchased here and now I want to ask the community on what is the best theme to use to make it scaleable as my website grows over time with regard

You can try looking for by googling with a keyword "best theme for..... (your niche) ".

Hey Craig,

I three words to answer this question.
Keep It Simple

Any theme that has a simple layout and is easy for your visitors to navigate.

ThemeGrill.com has a nice variety of simple themes you might like.

Also, HashThemes has some nice simple ones as well. I like their theme called 'Square'

Hope this helps :)

Thank you Marlinda

I am going to take a look through the different themes in themegrill.com

I just looked at hashthemes and square is very nice professional looking with a easy looking layout.


np :) Glad I could help and the best thing to do is choose something and build ur site. You can spend a lot of time fussing over a theme because many have annoying little bugs in them.

Every one will have something that gets you cuz they all want you to buy the premium versions, lol, which is ok too but not necessary. I mean, you have to be sort of tight when you're starting out too and business-wise, it's not a requirement to have a premium theme.

From my experience, that fancy stuff just confuses people anyways and I get much better results just with a simple boring looking theme, lol.

Hope you find what you're looking for though :)

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hi Kyle,
I am having a real hard time trying to find a domain name .com for everything I searched about cancer.

I am looking to give a lot of information on what are

Maybe there is no need for something with the word "cancer" in? play a little in thought, maybe something with "cherish" "health" maybe something like http://www.takecareofillness.com/ , If you are you passionate about this topic, you really have found the right niche, Hope this helped something, good luck

Thank you for you suggestion. I have to think outside the box and you just helped me with that.

Much Appreciated :)

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Finding a domain name for my website?

Finding a domain name for my website?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hi Kyle,
I am having a real hard time trying to find a domain name .com for everything I searched about cancer.

I am looking to give a lot of information on what are

Maybe there is no need for something with the word "cancer" in? play a little in thought, maybe something with "cherish" "health" maybe something like http://www.takecareofillness.com/ , If you are you passionate about this topic, you really have found the right niche, Hope this helped something, good luck

Thank you for you suggestion. I have to think outside the box and you just helped me with that.

Much Appreciated :)

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asked in
Getting Started

Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of creating my site going through the training once more and loving it.

Just wondering if there are any opportunities online wh

Once you have written a bunch of articles and published on your own site, you have a writer's portfolio. I've found Upwork to be a great source for finding work. I don't like their fees, but it's the best site I've found to get work.

It's very important to fill out a complete profile. I can provide ideas if you get stuck. I started by finding a client in my own niche. I made $2.50 per 100 words which isn't that good. I'm up to at least $5.00 now.

I thought you are new here. Apologies - you know better!

If you're in the U.S. or the U.K., you can make some money from surveys that can cover your costs. www.usertesting.com is a great site for surveys and site feedback. There are far too many, but you can start with this and this site works!

They will test you first, but it should be easy. I passed quickly with my Indian accent. You'll rock!

Thanks for the info. I have been around for a while but havent had much time to put into my own site. But I have freed up more time to work on my niche site in the coming weeks and months ahead.

I just wanted something I can do to make a few extra $$$ while creating my site and creating authority to it.

I am in Canada. Not sure if I can use this site but I will take a look.

You can give this site a try. I don't get many projects on this one from India. But yes, I have a big list of places that pay. Canada is possibly right for these sites, and English as the first language is an advantage.

Thank you for the information.

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Making extra $ doing surveys and other opportunities?

Making extra $ doing surveys and other opportunities?

asked in
Getting Started

Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of creating my site going through the training once more and loving it.

Just wondering if there are any opportunities online wh

Once you have written a bunch of articles and published on your own site, you have a writer's portfolio. I've found Upwork to be a great source for finding work. I don't like their fees, but it's the best site I've found to get work.

It's very important to fill out a complete profile. I can provide ideas if you get stuck. I started by finding a client in my own niche. I made $2.50 per 100 words which isn't that good. I'm up to at least $5.00 now.

I thought you are new here. Apologies - you know better!

If you're in the U.S. or the U.K., you can make some money from surveys that can cover your costs. www.usertesting.com is a great site for surveys and site feedback. There are far too many, but you can start with this and this site works!

They will test you first, but it should be easy. I passed quickly with my Indian accent. You'll rock!

Thanks for the info. I have been around for a while but havent had much time to put into my own site. But I have freed up more time to work on my niche site in the coming weeks and months ahead.

I just wanted something I can do to make a few extra $$$ while creating my site and creating authority to it.

I am in Canada. Not sure if I can use this site but I will take a look.

You can give this site a try. I don't get many projects on this one from India. But yes, I have a big list of places that pay. Canada is possibly right for these sites, and English as the first language is an advantage.

Thank you for the information.

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asked in
Getting Started


I just created a new site with my niche as doing product reviews on tablets, smartphones and giving tech tips on the various platforms.

I want to create b

I have colormag (free) on whitewitchcoven.com and I've created a child theme for the tweaks I needed. The website is a video blog. Probably any magazine style theme would suit your needs.

Thanks so much Marion...

Your training video has some valuable information. I am going to look at some of your other training videos as well.

I really appreciate you helping a newbie out like me. I may pick your brain from time to time if you don't mind.

Someone in another post on here recommended http://www.kadencethemes.com/

If you wouldn't mind taking and look and letting me know if that is overkill. There is free and premium theme ($45) which I wouldn't mind paying for if it is a good fit.

It looks like a very professional looking theme.

Thanks again,


If you're thinking about a premium theme then try the free version first. And yes, go ahead and pick my brain (◠‿◠✿)

Thank you for the advice :)

Thank you for sharing!

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Best theme for my website?

Best theme for my website?

asked in
Getting Started


I just created a new site with my niche as doing product reviews on tablets, smartphones and giving tech tips on the various platforms.

I want to create b

I have colormag (free) on whitewitchcoven.com and I've created a child theme for the tweaks I needed. The website is a video blog. Probably any magazine style theme would suit your needs.

Thanks so much Marion...

Your training video has some valuable information. I am going to look at some of your other training videos as well.

I really appreciate you helping a newbie out like me. I may pick your brain from time to time if you don't mind.

Someone in another post on here recommended http://www.kadencethemes.com/

If you wouldn't mind taking and look and letting me know if that is overkill. There is free and premium theme ($45) which I wouldn't mind paying for if it is a good fit.

It looks like a very professional looking theme.

Thanks again,


If you're thinking about a premium theme then try the free version first. And yes, go ahead and pick my brain (◠‿◠✿)

Thank you for the advice :)

Thank you for sharing!

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