Posting Schedule
I a very anxious person and am having trouble adhering to a posting schedule. I know it's important and am trying my best.
What's the best route? Once a week? Twice a week? I just don't know what i should do?
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There's no hard and fast rules, I just write when I feel inspired, sometimes that's everyday, sometimes it's once a week. Personally I can't force it, if I'm not in the mood I don't bother.
This question comes up frequently, and the answers are usually quite varied in how frequent.
I think it is more about your own self-discipline than anything. What works for you to keep a steady flow -- will more likely keep you happy and producing over the long haul.
I've seen very successful websites that did not have a lot of posts on them, or they seemed like the posts were few and far between. Some, were ranking high on Google but they had not posted in over a year! But I think that's pushing it, the best theory is that with new content comes more chances for the bots to look and index you -- the more tickets you have in the lottery so to speak the better chance you have of getting an index mark.
When we are new we try to do all the best actions -- and most on here say post post post...The index bots are not likely to revisit your site every day, so I'd stagger any multiple posts apart more than a day or two at least! I assume when you post you ping the search engines?
Great that you have so many articles waiting in the wings that's something to be jealous of :) Happy Holidays!
Try to post as often as possible until you have at least 30 articles up....then you can post once or twice a week. Good Luck!
I'll write a post or a page and I'll let it sit there for a day or two but then I publish it. I'm going to do my best to stick to Mondays and Wednesdays. Least then I can stay busy with it. I have plenty of time on my hands so it's hard to sit here with articles ready to go.
Whatever makes you CONSISTENT, is the key. If you can do twice a week, great, three times? great! Even if you can't find the time to post two or three times a week, you can write articles all on one day, then schedule them to publish during the week. As long as they are consistent.
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What ever feels comfortable for you but at least once a week. Just don't go nuts with it [in my opinion]. Some say once per day. Just something that will give you regular 'new material' for SEO issues. They like active sites. If you have the ability to recognize it, and I suspect you do, add content at a pace just a scooch below where you start creating crap. Thanks for your recent follow!! Much appreciated.