Why Some People Hate Reddit.

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Public Opinion Sucks.

If you are a user of Reddit...good luck. However, for me, the party is over and this is why.

Users are encouraged to upvote content they like and downvote content they don't by Reddit's karma (Krap) system. Theoretically, this is a good way to maintain high content quality. In actuality, though, it frequently results in groupthink and mob mentality.

Someone will be downvoted into oblivion on Reddit if they voice an opinion that is not shared by the majority of users. For those who are just joining the site and are trying to establish themselves, this can be quite demoralizing.

And some of the other issues are just as bad, if not worse. Things like...

Toxic masculinity

There is a well-established issue with toxic masculinity on Reddit. There are several ways that this shows up, but the way that new users are handled is among the most prevalent.

It's likely that, as a new user on Reddit, you will face harassment, mockery, and general disapproval. This is particularly valid for women and people of color.

A Picture of Reddit Administrators

Reddit administrators are very powerful.

They have the power to shadowban users, ban entire subreddits, and generally manage the information flow on the website. They use this power, though, in a way that is infamously opaque and covert.

The Reddit community is extremely distrustful of this lack of transparency. The administrators are perceived by many users as being biased and having little control over the operation of the website.

And I have been permanently banned so .....UP THEM. And I have NO IDEA WHY. So if you want a shite fight join Reddit.


Peace and Love ...to most..Lol.

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Recent Comments


Hey Steve, I know just how you feel. Sounds like Reddit is just like Facebook. I was permanently banned by FB over a year ago. Stuff them! I set up my own personal blog account and post photos and articles about our travels and community theatre for my friends to keep in touch. Cheeres, Jenni.

Thanks Jenell.


Good morning Steve,

Thank you for your interesting blog post about Reddit.

I'm not surprised about your experience. I don't know that much about it, but I believe it can be potentially powerful. However, I think there can be a lot of playing around, as you have mentioned.

Sometimes, I think all this time we are playing around with other platforms, we might just as well have been writing content on our own website where we were not going to be banned! I could be wrong, but it certainly seems that way.

Maybe Facebook and Reddit need to work together, as they are both terrible platforms. I recently had my Facebook account closed, the fact is I hardly use it, so I can't see why I should receive a ban.

I don't know how many hours you have spent on Reddit, but how many posts could have that been on your own website, Steve? Please don't get me wrong; it's good to try things and experiment, but it does make me think.

Have a great week.


Thanks Roy for your thoughts.

It's always a pleasure, Steve!

I really think is so helpful to put up about your genuine experience. It's something that I had kind of thought about doing, but there is a very good chance that I won't even attempt to do it now!

All the best.


I do hope real feedback helps.


It really does, Steve! Which is something that helps to make the platform so good!

Have a fantastic Tuesday.


Thanks Roy.

I must say that I use Reddit A LOT. It can be very toxic but it’s highly searchable and has been invaluable for me to get the word out about scam programs I follow.

It certainly is a different beast, though. Once you learn the ropes and stay clear of the more toxic communities, I’ve found it amazingly supportive.

Sorry to be the one weirdo here! If you can hold your own in Reddit, it can really do wonders to drive traffic.

I am happy you found your way through the toxic maze. I get more from other sites.
The best

Good riddance Reddit! 👎


Steve the annoyed.

Yeah, that figures...I never even considered signing up with Reddit.

Who needs that kinda crap!


They are Kraptacular paraphrasing the "bart" Lol.




I knew you would pick up on "Bard" ref... or is it reefer..lol...

What can I say...grin.




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