What's next?
Joined WA for about a month. I never followed certification course strictly. Instead, I watched most of the certification videos first, to have a general idea what need to do to make money online with WA.
Next step, I need to set up a website in barley grass and health niche, invite more comments, and make more friends. I probably need go through certification course again, step by step to become successful in online business.
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Hello Zhuang, if I were you I would go through the Certification courses and lessons just to make sure I did not miss anything. By the sound of it you have created a Wealthy Affiliate (WA) site, using the videos, but now you want to create your own niche site. If that is true then the process is the same.
The great thing is, as you go through the training, you can update your ideas and truly take off with your success!! The training will give you everything you need to succeed!
Best of luck,
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I just bought a domain name http://barleygrasshealthbenefits.com/, and then will start operating my own website!