I'm Hesitant in my website. Need your opinion.
I don't know if I chang it to an ecommerce or keep it like this.
I'm not good in writing that's exactly what lead me to think of changing it to an ecommerce website.
Please check my website and give me your ideas
to change it to ecommerce, I need to install plugin only not change it everything, and it already "Boot store" theme that I chose, this mean it's compatible with this idea.
what do you say?
Here's my website : http://easyshopgames.com/
and my facebook page for the website: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Easy-Shop-Games/165...
I need your opinion, notes, and suggestion.
Recent Comments
Zeyad, I would write more about the game. Tips and hacks on the best way to play etc. Sell the game, make someone want to buy it after reading your game playing experience. This creates a connection with your reader. There are grammar check sites that you can check out too. That would help since I too do not like to write but it is necessary.
Great, I will follow your instructions and write more about games that I love.
but you didn't give your view about my website, how it's look honestly.
These sites are great will help me a lot.
Many thanks for replying
Hi Zeyad, good advice from Scottn. I do not like to write either and have been thinking about how I will cope with writing the content.
I like your website, I think its great. Well done.
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Zeyad, your website has greatly improved since I first saw it. Keep adding content. Your writing will improve as you learn and practice. Well done. ~Jude
thank you for motivation comment