Are you leaking website traffic?

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I am on my phone so this thought will be brief. If you are not producing an email newsletter and offering a free report in your niche you could be losing your best chance at sales and up to 80% of the best SEO metric.

Repeat visitor traffic is key to sales and is the best sign of relevance and popularity for Google. Social signals are cool as someone is saying look what I found but email brings readers back which tells Google this site is absolutely awesome.

People will bookmark sites in 5heir browser. I have over 200 bookmarks in m8ne but have only revisited maybe 80 of those sites. Email shows me what is new, offers additional answers, and puts a range of products in front of me.

Like SEO good email marketing practices will never die.

Andy Anderson

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Recent Comments


Solid advice, Andy Anderson.

Thank you!


Thank you Andy for this post!

I appreciate your well meaning advise!

Maria 🌹

Hi Andy.
Thanks for pointing out another important part for better business.

Slavka 👋

You've made some valuable points here Andy.

Email newsletters, when done right, are indeed powerful tools for driving traffic, maintaining audience engagement, and yes, for boosting SEO. Offering a free report or some kind of valuable content as a lead magnet is a proven strategy to grow a an email list.

Repeat visitor traffic can potentially signal to Google that your website is valuable and engaging, which can give your SEO a healthy boost...but they haven't clearly indicated (nor ever will) whether or not they use analytics data towards rankings.

While bookmarks are helpful, they're often forgotten as you mentioned. An email lands directly in your audience's inbox, providing a much more direct and proactive reminder of your content and offerings.

In short, your emphasis on email marketing as a durable, tried-and-true practice is spot on. We use it extensively in our business, and as you start to generate a basis of traffic to make it worth the effort, it will naturally become a component of ones business. It has to be done right though, and takes a full commitment.

1000% agree. You need a well rounded approach and education in this marketing area. They say a tree can grow around a rock and you too can grow past any obstacle.

I already have email on my sites from Aweber. I agree it's important. I learned this from Jay’s training.

Repeat visitors or captive audience drive ecommerce. Walmart taught us that it cost 20 times as much to create a new customer than to nurture a service relationship with existing customers. The best part is capturing repeat visitors who also share new content.

Yep, great points there!

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