Didn't expect to make money from my website yet!

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I remember asking Kyle when to expect to see some income and he said if I'm sticking with the process, I should see some income by the 3 month mark. So I marked May 15 on the calendar in my phone as my 3 month anniversary and followed his advice. Yesterday was May 15 and I found out that I made my first $12 at the end of April and didn't even know!

I aimed to post three times a week but just couldn't do it. So I focused on twice a week and was determined to work my way up to three posts. That didn't happen too. I had to have surgery at the end of March and was struggling to even push out one post a week. I was very dissappointed with going from 2 posts to 1; especially when I was trying to get to 3; but I stuck with it and posted weekly.

Then I had to take a break earlier this month and at that point I was thinking I should probably just look forward to my 6 months anniversary and not the 3 months anymore. As of yesterday, I had gone 2 weeks without publishing any content. Needless to say I was not excited at all. I was just looking forward to getting back on track cause all of this wasn't part of the plan.

Then my phone reminded me of my 3 month anniversary. I sighed and stared at it shaking my head; but I decided I would be grateful for where I started from, all I had learnt here, my new website owner/manager vocabulary, the fact that I enjoy what I do, and everything I may never have known if I hadn't taken a chance to do something completely foreign. I even went back to read my very first post and it made me giggle to see how much of a difference there was between my first and last post. Gratitude is truly medicine.

I went on to check my email as usual and noticed an unopened email I had missed. And that was when I found out I made my first $12! Considering EVERYTHING that has been happening, I was extra super duper excited! The email had actually been sitting there since April 30. So Iinspite of everything, I actually did better than I thought. And it happened within the 3 month mark, just as Kyle said.

One of my goals from the start was to write a blog as soon as I made some money; even if it was only two and a half cents. And I'm glad I am able to check that box!

So I hope someone is encouraged to just keep moving no matter what life throws at you. April was my most challenging month; but all the encouragement I would need today to stay positive and keep moving forward happened in that same April. Who knew seeing $12 could have such an impact?! :)

I'm now 3 months old in WA and I'm still very much a newbie; but I'm much less of a newbie than I was 3 months ago. That's a really good feeling!

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Recent Comments


Congrats! Wish you all the success.

Thanks. The same to you!

Congratulations on getting income that just reassures to you that it works.

It does! Thanks Doug.

Congratulations from a fellow newbie!

Thank you Sydney :)

Congratulations on your first at making some money!


Thank you Kenny! It's exciting :)

Yemmi, nice to meet you! Thank you so much for sharing your $12 compensation! It doesn't sound like much, but when you're sitting at the computer writing away, you wonder if anyone will read it and so that's very encouraging! I hope you are feeling better and able to get back on track with your goals! Great work! I'm going to enjoy following you!


Nice to meet you too Cora! I love your name!
And I'm better with each day; sweet of you to ask.
I followed you back. Thanks so much!

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