Road to working from home - day 5
Yo yo, time for a quick update on what I've been up to these past few days.
First of all, I've learned a ton of new stuff through the training and especially the WAbinars!
So far I created two websites, one more of a general one on the Miami Heat, which can be checked out right here (i know, the lay-out still needs some work). I plan to add some kind of "Shop" page with affiliate links to all sorts of related gear, with new items being blogged about.. (any advice on this concept will be highly appreciated!) Related to this website I also wrote an article on StreetArticles, click here to read. I plan to do this more often, but the social schedule didn't really allow it to put time in this as well.
The second site is a more niche-article specific one, modeled after the WAbinars from @magistudios. They were very easy to follow and a great way to get the hang of things, a must see for people just starting out. The site is about the SoundDock Portable and I tried to keep it clean and kinda follow the rules to not go into the BUY NOW zone.. Altough I know it might not be realistic to get a sale right away, I really hope this one gets the ball rolling because I'm full of ideas but i first need to see this work!
So again, please check them out and if you'd have ANY tips to improve the website or good plug-ins or tactics you suggest to bring in traffic etc.. let them know! So far i've been nothing but pleased by Wealthy Affiliate and when this trial is over i'm gonna subscribe without a doubt, might even just go for a full-year subscription, cause this place is worth more than what they ask!
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Hi Wouter, You have made a really good start!
You may want to look at your settings for your Allinone SEO plugin :
I'm hoping the exact keyword you are targeting is "sounddock portable"??? which would match whats in your title, currently your title looks like :
<title>Sounddock Portable</title>
if so, I like the exact keyword you are targeting to be closer to the start in the description field , something like " Sounddock Portable Speakers : great sound, great price and you can take them anywhere. Find out which are the best Sounddock Portable Speakers on the market" ...this field holds up to 160 characters (i think!) and is what appears in the search engine results you want to make sure it is at least 2 lines long to get as much "real estate" as possible..also good if you can get the KW in there twice(but still be natural) .....your current description is :
<meta name="description" content="Review of the Sounddock Portable Music System" />
Both these fields are in the settings for Allinone...under settings in your dashboard of WP.
I also noticed that you had not set specific keywords for the home page. to do this, go to the page setup of "home" (where you put all your content) and scroll will see the all in one settings down the bottom under your content.
one more thing...hope you dont say ....."- It even has it’s own travel bag"...perhaps an image of the bag from amazon??
You are doing well!!
Both sites are looking good! I wish you all the best! Just a heads up.... your May 17th post is coming up as instead of your domain plus the title of your post.
sure thing. go back to the post and click edit. right under your title is your permalink for the post. click the edit button next to it and change it to whatever you want it to be. then save the post. you should be good to go after that.
You can also go to the permalink Setting and enter a change so that it automatically puts in the name of the post. Don't have time right now but I'll post what you need when I get home from work in a few hours.
Labman is right. You can go under Settings - Permalinks. Choose "custom structure" and use /%postname%/ Then save it. This will make your posts default to the post name for each new post. You still can use the edit button to make changes to the individual post if you want to. Say for example you want to use a specific keyword for the post name instead of the title of the post.
Go to the Settings, Permalinks and put this /%postname% into your Custom Structure box. This will give you the permalink with the name of your post.
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ok this is not word for word but...the keyword you were targeting was "sounddock portable" is that correct? if so, the title you have is good :
<title>Sounddock Portable</title>
if this is not your keyword, you need to change title...
your description :
<meta name="description" content="Review of the Sounddock Portable Music System" />
this is what appears in google you want it to take up as much "real estate" as possible, so it should be at least 2 lines...160 characters i think... I also like to have the kw at the start and if possible(naturally sounding) in the description twice, something like : Sounddock portable speakers give fantastic sound and are great value. Enjoy your Sounddock portable speakers wherever you go !
Also, the keywords dont appear to have been entered in your allinoneseo plugin...go the the "home" page and scroll down to beneath the content you entered, you will see the kws section there.
cheers phil
oh and maybe put an image beside the "it even has its own travel bag"
alright thanks! i'll look into adding some more pictures maybe.. and you're probably right about the description, gonna make it longer :)