Road to working from home - day 1
Hi there,
my name is Wouter, I hail from a small town in Belgium and I'm ready to start this adventure.
This is all.
or not..
I've been wanting to write this down for quite a while now and I'm guessing this is the best place to do so. So here goes..
It started when i was 12 years old. My teacher back then told me to make a drawing of what kind of profession we'd like to practice in the future. I ended up drawing a lawyer. No, not because of my parents or out of personal interest. No, it was because of Jim Carrey, playing a lawyer in Liar, Liar.
I know, the real world is just a little off..
Growing older each year, discovering new things and meeting new people had me wondering time and time again what kind of education and/or job I would end up with. I always tought of myself to just go for a good education and get a high paying job so I could escape from the system early. I would save up a lot of money and stop working when i was 50 so i still had a lot of time to spend later on. This always seemed like a good idea until I realised that I needed to be living, doing and experienceing all kinds of stuff right now instead of 30 years from now.
Easier said than done..
How on earth was I gonna pull that off? I was part of a band that toured some parts of Europe but we never got as far as we hoped, so that kinda pulled the plug on my hopes of having an income and doing things i decided for myself at the same time. Since I didn't really get an education after i graduated from high school, I was forced to go out and look for a job to pay for living and costs.
This is almost 2 years ago now and there hasn't been a single day that I didn't think of making money one way or the other, the only thing that this job needed to offer was the possibility to be your own boss ( I could've become a chippendale but i'm not tanned enough for that.. *hum*).
After reading up on a lot of internet marketing, affiliate programs and blogging to make an income for the past few months, I finally stumbled upon a 100% honest and helpful website called and it got my hopes up again of finding a way to achieving my goal to independance. Steve, the founder, directed me to Wealthy Affiliate and I've already registered my first domain name. The site is On this very moment the DNS-settings are being set up (thanks for that @WA) and once that is finished, I'll be ready to start my very own website!
My goal is simple
In a few months from now I want to make a income online high enough to be able to work part-time and eventually from home, doing this, writing blogs, creating websites and being part of this great community!
See you soon..
Recent Comments
Nice work man...making some good headway quickly. Gotta love the heat as well, do they have a championship coming their way this year? Lebron is the best athlete the NBA has seen but not the best player...he has a ways to go before he catches up to Jordan and Kobe's fistfulls of rings.
Welcome to WA Wouter! Thanks for the introduction and for the update on what you have been working on already! Getting your website setup is an important part building an online business and I'm happy to hear that you're already tackling this. Steve is a great guy and he's very talented with all he does online.. so any tips you can pick up from him are going to be great ones!
The "Getting Started" training found in the main menu is a great place to start your training.. Also, the "Learn How WA Works" tutorial will help make sure you benefit from all that WA has to offer.
It's going to take hard work but you can do it. Don't get discouraged when you don't make much to begin with, it takes time and experience but its definitely doable. Good luck and congratulations for taking this step.
Thanks for the comments guys! I'll be doing the 30 days step by step, and i'm sure it'll pay off! And yes Kyle, i hope he gets that ring sooner or later, his legacy needs to be complete! :D