Suprise.Never Expected This

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Last night as I was driving to our new home, it is a 5-hour drive and late at night. I was thinking about Wealthy Affiliate. Not my online business, but the Platform Wealthy Affiliate.

I have come to realize how unique this platform is. I have been here since April 2019, and I am just learning how priceless it is here. Yes, I guess I am a slow learner (not really). I have a busy lifestyle so I try to dedicate about 2 hours a day on the platform/business, when I am not dozing on the couch.

When we first try out WA for that free week, whether we linked thru or accidentally found it on our own, we all have dreams.

“Financial Independence, Pay off that mortgage, The new term I have learn, “laptop lifestyle”, extra disposable income, traveling, it goes on and on. Who doesn’t dream!!! I am the biggest dreamer imaginable, and as I have mentioned in a previous post, I have made some of my dreams come true. So this is my next adventure “financial independence, the laptop lifestyle”. Yahoo!!! OK, enough, why we are here.

So during that first week, we explore the platform, involve ourselves in the community, try to connect with others, read blogs from other WA members. And we immense ourselves in the training.... the training! It certainly got my attention. In a few days, I had a website, my own niche (I guess wrong order), learn how to do SEO searches and I truly believe on my way to better things! This place is incredible I thought!

It didn’t take rocket science for me to figure out I am taking that month special. $19 to explore this platform more and see if it was going to take me further. I didn’t even wait for the week to end, I just purchased the month and tore into it. Sat thru my first live training with Jay, it was on building video’s which was way over my head, but I listened and read the comments and took notes. Yeep I could

see the value here. So you have training, live training and step by step instructions on how to be successful. It really is a no brainer.

But what I discovered unexpectedly was the community.

What a super place to be. So many supportive, positive individuals and I can't even mention them all, there are far too many. And we get to welcome and share that positive supportive energy with the newest members.

We are all like-minded individuals and all after those "Dreams" and all everyone here wants to do is support each other. What a positive and enlightening place to be a part of.

Where else can you find this support and this sense of empowerment. I have longed for this all my life. And the greatest benefit is I am building a business online that I dream of being a prosperous avenue of income that I can pass onto my children down the road.

Can't THANK each and every one of you enough for this TERRIFIC FAMILY I have accidentally discovered.

What a place we have discovered!!

Surprise, you have stumbled upon the Best Place To Learn, Encourage and Grow in The World!!!

Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
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I was so excited when I started the training I did not wait
for the full seven days to upgrade either!

The training convinced me this was real and it might take
some time to realize that dream, but never give up and
never quit. This WORKS!

Living Proof right here,

I am so happy for you Susan!!!
Keep it up!

Landing on the right stuff (Niche), planning and strategizing that niche, creating a rough road map, start travelling the road unknown, get excited, get focused, discover new stuff, take notes (mental only-written notes will grow too big too fast), then get hot and get cooking!

Happy for your discovery! So here is a pot of gold for you!


Thanks for the gold Joe and especially for the thoughtful words!

Thank you for such a wonderful reference for WA. I too recently joined this community and have already found support. Looking for that 'special' place to belong where you are not judged but encouraged and where you can positively work towards your dream, mine being financially secure and out of debt within the next 12 months. Thank you 'faceless' friends.......

You are welcome.
Keep going and it will be yours!

Yes it is

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Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training