Curve Balls - Looking for advice
Life throws us curves all the time. It could be an illness, a family tragedy, a work delima or it could be great holiday, a wedding, a promotion at work, a new baby. What I am saying is life is unpredictable.
We can take tragedy and make the most of it, or try to learn some valuable lessons from it. We have choices in life and how we react is a determination of how we will proceed with life. Life is full of surprises, good and bad. How we choose to live our life is in our control? Nobody else can tell us how to live, we might want to believe that others do make choices for us, but that is not true. It is up to you and I to determine our path in life.
I am tired of working for someone else, not getting compensated for my own hard work, my initiatives to improve processes and efficiencies at work. There are no rewards, no incentive to do a job well, only personal satisfaction, which doesn't pay the bills. You see others be bullied at work, take advantage of no supervision, just plain NOT work only put in the hours. How is this even possible, or fair?
OK, life isn't fair. I am rambling. I am stressed, fed up, frustrated and angry I guess. I am a hard worker, determined, organized, reliable, punctual, a team player, an independent worker, I take initiative and I play well with others. (Yeep always have a smile and a kind work) I work in a health care environment.
We are all here at Wealthy Affiliate for our own reasons. We are all obviously missing something in our lives, we want a better life for ourselves, our family. Usually it revolves around independence, money or time. I have tried many endeavors, only to fail, but as the saying goes "Better to have tried and failed, then not tried at all".
So here we all are. Trying to make the best life we can and fulfill our dreams. Wealthy Affiliate offers so much to each of us. And each of us want different things our of this GREAT opportunity. I want the lifestyle to enjoy the rest of life, enjoy my horses, my family (maybe that should be in a different order) have time to pursue hobbies I want to try. I am sure many of us have these same goals and dreams. Traveling is another goal on my list, not a lot but to tour my beautiful country, Canada would be amazing.
So, I have been out of the loop for a few weeks, I have been dealing with personal conflicts and a work crisis (and I am only a minion) to say th

I am looking for advice. I would be grateful to any of you for any suggestions on how to get refocused. I must sound like a "negative ninny", that really isn't my intention. I wanted to share with you my personal challenges. There are only so many hours in a day and I get emotionally drained and stressed, as I am sure a lot of us do.
So how do you overcome it? How do you stay focused? Do you have someone to make you accountable?
Please any help,
I am all ears!
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Hi Wanda!
I can so relate to your situation. I have been off WA for three months and just got back to it lately. I was struggeling to keep focused and got overwhealmed by life and the stress.
What helped me to get back on track, was remembering why I started in the first place. I set new smaller goals and try to celebrate every small achievement.
Another good advice I got, was to write down my goals on a piece of paper and put it somewhere, where I would see it every day. Just to stay focused and on track.
Just remember some days will be more difficoult than others. And it is completely ok. Do not stress about what you have not done yet. Rather focus on what you have achieved so far!
I wish you the best of luck!
Hi and thank you. To know that others have stepped away and returned makes me feel more positive. I am going to take smaller steps at a time, write an agenda and set some short and long term goals (reasonable). Thank you so much for your support and input!
If you are looking to refocus, try creating a plan for your WA business. Map out the next six months with fifteen minutes per day of training and say, 45 minutes of writing posts. Create an editorial calendar for your posts. Doing tasks in short spurts helps many people succeed rather than trying to accomplish major tasks for several hours on one day, then getting overwhelmed the next several days, etc. It's up to you how you want to structure your schedule (if you can only do 1/2 hour instead of 45 minutes, etc.) The key is to be consistent and keep the work units small enough to be obtainable.
Create your plan in writing. Then, as you start to work the plan, use the blog at WA as a way to commit by writing about your accomplishments each week, etc. When you create a plan such as this, it will be cathartic and will help you flush the negative feelings towards you work situation out of your brain. As you WA business grows, your attitude will change towards your job as one of hope in getting the heck out of there.
Best Regards,
Thank you Jim. You are so right. I try and block large amounts of time and then I can't commit. I am going to follow your advice. Can't tell you how much I appreciate this!
You just have to focus on what is important with the limited time you have, whether its training or website.
Keep the end goal in front of you, freedom.
Good luck.
Thanks Linda.
I am trying, but get so frustrated when I can't figure things out. You are right, need to keep in mind the end goal!
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I can relate to your situation. Just keep the faith.
You too. I have started right at the beginning and am really get motivated. Catching things I missed on first run thru.