Yeep! I am addicted to running...who would have known. At 49 I started running and this was my son's first full marathon and my first half-marathon in Toronto, Canada. I love the feeling of crossing that finish line. However, it takes dedication, training, motivation, hard word and self-control.
So further to this, I am also addicted to this online marketing business. What a rush at every step of the journey. The first, website you build, when you have never ventured into this field before. Being ranked by google! WOW! That was an amazing feeling. The list goes on.
This platform is just so unique in the positive, supportive community. I can't say enough about it. Everyone is so helpful and encouraging.
I am truly empowered by this community and thank each and every one of you!
So is anyone else addicted to this? Do you find yourself at your other job, sneaking away to check your emails for other's posts, comments to your posts, checking your website. I would rather be doing this full time than my other job. I hope one day this is my JOB! I can't imagine doing anything else.
All the best to everyone and may the wind carry to your dreams!!!
Recent Comments
These are wonderful types of addiction. We are in the right place to be learning and this community is pretty awesome. I love what I'm learning as well.
I agree with you Wanda! As unbelievable as this journey has been, the best has yet to come. I am so grateful to have found this community and the support it offers to us. I cannot wait to see where this takes us in the future. Lets continue pursuing our dreams while enjoying this journey along the way. Thank you for the encouraging post. All the best to you.
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Exercise is a great way to get inspiration
Darren :)