Recommended Reading 31-35
This recommended list is building up nicely and here are the next 5 recommendations.
31. How to Master the Art of Selling. Tom Hopkins......Focus is on how to make money out of sales and at the same time getting the most out of life. Really interesting read.
32. Ziglar on Selling. Zig Zigler......Zig shares his views and ideas on how to become the ultimate sales professional in today's super competitive world. He outlines a 4-step Formula, needs analysis, needs awareness, needs solution and needs satisfaction.
33. The Greatest Salesman in the World. Og Mandino......This deals with the philosophy of salesmanship, telling the story of Hafid, a poor camel boy who achieves great things in life.
34. Swim with the Sharks. Harvey Mackey.....Out-sell, Out-manage, Out-motivate and Out-negotiate your competition withou being eaten alive by the sharks! A pathway to success for business people everywhere.
35. You Haven't Hit Your Peak Yet. Harvey Mackey.....Not having the success you expect? Certainly haven't hit your peak yet? Wisdom for unleashing your full potential.
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Hi Trevor, thank you for sharing these book ideas. I think I need to read #35 as I am really trying to reach higher.
Some interesting topics in this list. You can't go wrong with anything by Zig Ziglar ๐
Thanks Trevor!
Isaiah ๐
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Og Mandino wrote a few good books!!!! Never heard of Harvey Mackey. I guess I'll ALWAYS have books on my list!!!!