I am obsessed with Automation It has the Power to Change Lives

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In a previous post I wrote about teaching my Mom how to use a computer and printer to help her get the church Programs done in a more efficient way.

Before Mom became a Church secretary, she worked as a maid to feed and clothe us. She put herself through secretarial school to get her first secretarial job that changed our lives and I think the perception of who and what we could become.

My grandson is always amused when I try to program my cell phone because to him, this technology is second nature. It all makes sense. When I tell him that I grew up in an era where the Jetson’s was the closest thing to automation that we enjoyed, He just laughs.

It is interesting that I find myself at this age, an old soul in age but young at heart, researching automation, artificial Intelligence and my newest deep dive is into IVR.

One of my previous employers though that English teachers were good candidates to learn programming. They put me into a class that talked about algorithms. that to this day, still confounds me.

I barely got through the training while my friend who had a natural knack for the stuff went on to become a highly sought-after programmer and received a great salary as a result.

The programming stuff just did not stick. I became a software application trainer instead.

I taught people how to use the computer. I can remember being dumbfounded by the big “K” hospital that was still stuck in the “DOS” area when Microsoft had introduced Windows which was a multitasking, multiuser and GUI based operating system.

But after learning to use the computer and Microsoft software, people lived with less stress, productivity went through the roof. Individuals transferred to higher paying positions and were happier with their jobs.

Here at Wealthy Affiliates we are learning a valuable skill that will change the trajectory of our online business ventures. Having the opportunity to learn these skills is amazing and one of the reasons, I am so passionate about spreading this information about Wealthy
Affiliates. The computer makes that possible. Automating output just by pushing a button is a game changer.. Learning these skills from the comfort of your home is truly a miralce of modern technology.

I worked during a time when computers were not on every desk. I was tasked by one of the largest semiconductor manufacturers in Silicon Valley to find the best computers for their HR department.

The manager dismissed the Apple Computer as a choice because it had proprietary software. That was a kind of slap because before the Mac was a reality, I was a fan of Steve Jobs.

I was working at Xerox when Steve Jobs requested a meeting with Xerox;s management to see their GUI interface. Xerox management did not believe that there would ever be a computer on every desk. They did not believe the dream. They relunctantly invested in Apple.

Xerox sold off their stake in Apple before the stock went ballistic. But, inspired by PARC’s inventions, Apple would generate trillions of dollars of revenue over the coming decades selling desktop personal computers with bitmapped displays and mouse-driven GUIs just like the Xerox Alto. Computers have enriched the lives of people everywhere.

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Hindsight is 20 20.

I have had a terrible experience with technology, especially the custmer service element where there is a virtual assitant who has a hard time understanding my name and comes up with some ridiculous spellings as well as pronunciations.

Cautionary Tale" The worst experience is Turbo Tax. Their virtual assistant makes you want to throw your phone and I am not a reactionary. But, trying to get a live human to talk with is the worst experience of all times. Now this is about my money!

The guys at Turbo Tax have literally put their whole customer service business into the hands of bots. Now there has to be a balanced mixture to make technology work best for real peole.

I agree with Jeff…technology is a double edged sword.


Thanks, Mike!😎👍

Technology and automation can be good and bad, Virginia, but for the most part, I believe that it is a good thing!


You are absolutely right. But the user has the power to determie how they use technology. In many cases we have to be dilligent in our choices. I just did an article on Toys that are AI enabled and there are so cautionary tales concerning this. Many people see technology advancing without proper guidelines. Thanks for reading the post. Appreciate it.

Thanks, Virginia. I think technology is outpacing technological skills! We shall see!


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