Life management: how to achieve greatness


Hallo fellow WAers'

It has always amazed me how, when we look back at history, there are some people who stand out from the crowd. They are usually not afraid to be themselves and are determined that they are going to make a difference in life. They do not accept defeat and have a tremendous belief in their own ability to cope and achieve. It is said that most millionaires go bankrupt a number of times before making their money. Beethoven achieved despite his hearing disability.

Looking back at the history of the modern world it seems to have been built on the backs of people who were prepared to take risks. Recently I watched the film Longitude which tells the story of John Harrison, the man who built a clock that would enable the sailors to tell where they were. It became his life work and he doggedly pursued this objective. We live in an age when we want the world for nothing. Maybe we want to get rich on the national lottery. If we are in business, keeping the investors happy has taken on greater importance than making progress and taking a risk for the sake of the future.

In today’s world we are often governed by people who are managers rather than leaders. Leaders are visionaries who do not accept the limitations of the possible. They often bring into being a project or achievement that other people might think are impossible.

So what is a visionary?

A visionary has been defined as one who is ‘full of foresight and imagination’. "Creativity produces new ideas, concepts, and practical embellishments that originate in the imagination." (Britannica) Rather than seeing the status quo, the visionary sees a new way forward. Martin Luther King was a visionary in that he looked forward to a society of equal opportunities. This was the motivation behind his campaigns and life’s work.

The Average Person:

The average person looks at the status quo and sees the situation he is in simply as it is. We have all met people who like a good grumble about the state of the economy, the running of the country and the youngsters who are never as well behaved as they used to be. It seems to me that it is easy to be negative and give into the influences we see around us; but the real need of the day is for people who assess the problems and have a vision of what life could be like. Not only do they have a vision but they seek to bring their vision into the present situation.

By way of an example, back in the 80’s, I had a colleague who was concerned that the children in the school where he taught snacked on junk foods such as crisps and sweets. His vision was that children should have snacks that were wholesome and good for them, (a novel idea back then!) He tried to persuade the school leadership but to no avail; so he asked if he could run a shop alongside the regular tuck shop, but selling wholesome snacks. He was given the go-ahead. Not only was the shop successful but it also made money for school funds.

One good way to develop this kind of forethought is to write down what you think about your life at home, work, and your physical surroundings. Then imagine what you would want life to be like if you were in charge. Once you have done this, write down as many ideas as you can of things that you could do to bring the situation nearer to your ideal. The truth is that we don’t need to be endowed with special talents in order to be a leader or visionary. Maybe we are a parent, employee, a leader of some sort, or simply a home maker. We can be innovative in any area of life that we are in. Perhaps you think you are ordinary but the truth is that you can achieve greatness.

Creative idealists are often good at inspiring others to follow their cause. One of the reasons for their success is that they that they have a clear picture of an ideal. They relate the ideal to the present situation and the aspirations of people for a better life. They are enthusiastic and often convey their message through highly charged metaphor and symbolism. I remember once remarking how some people could ‘sell’ what they are doing and make quite an ordinary project seem exciting. It is good to develop communication skills and find different ways of expressing what we want to say. Jesus, for example, was a brilliant communicator and used stories to express the points that he was trying to teach.

The creative visionary is also a person who is prepared to step out of the box and explore new territory. Karen Armstrong in her second autobiographical book quotes the hero of classical mythology who strays from the well worn path to explore the forest with all its dangers. He then returns with great maturity, wisdom and insight. Many bible characters are this style of hero. They are not content to stay on the well-worn paths of spiritual tradition but rather they seek to step out into the unknown and test their faith in a pioneer context. In the Old Testament the story of Abraham comes to mind. He left behind the polytheistic worship of his ancestors and initiated a monotheistic world view. In simpler words, he stepped out of the spirituality that was prevalent in Ur and explored his relationship with the one God.

What is it that drives the creative visionary into the unknown?

It is when the vision that he has birthed takes on an almost obsessive quality. If you have a vision and you wish to share it with others, if you are going to give birth to your vision, it has to be your passion. Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and others lived for their dream and were prepared to suffer for it.

Discover what it is that turns you on, and determine that you are going to go for it. You may not want to be a nuclear physicist or prime minister but you may have an interest in photography, gardening or simply being a good family person. Be prepared to step out of mediocrity and peruse your particular passion. Take time out to reflect on your talent and look for ways to express it creatively.

I believe that most, if not all people have the potential to be "Creative Visionaries" and can contribute creatively to some aspect of life. We may not necessarily be endowed with special talents, but we all have abilities that we can hone and develop.

The key is to discover our own unique potentiality. Each one of us is unique and made in the image of God. I recently watched the classic film The Young Winston. In escaping from the Boers he cries out that highly quotable line, “I’m Winston Bloody Churchill and I’m free!” Whilst we may have different ways to express it, there is much to learn from his inimitable self belief. Talents are released when we believe in our own worth and destiny.

I'd like to leave you with this, I believe you know it, but I 'll say it again anyway!

  • "A leader is someone who is ahead of the pack. Even if it is only by one inch. They are doing, or have done, what they want or expect others to do. They are not watchers nor do they wait around. They take action...proper action....a lot of proper action! And they never give up!"
    -Jack M. Zufelt
  • "You don't lead by lip service, you lead by example.”
    -Jim Leyland

Thank you


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Recent Comments


Hello Violet
Thank you for a truly inspirational post. Amen and God Bless.

Thank you Amethystmoon for the appreciation & encouragement. All the best in 2016.

Hi Violet, Blessings. As always you are on the roll, thank you for a well written post.

Hi Violet thank you for this well crafted post, I have very much appreciated your insights.

Thank you Alexander for the appreciation & encouragement. All the best in 2016.

Excellent post Violet, thanks for sharing. Have a great day.

Thank you Vin8 for the appreciation, you are welcome. All the best in 2016.

Outstanding blog. This is so thought provoking. It definitely makes you consider your direction in life and what is and is not important.
Thanks for sharing this with us.

Thank you RonAlderman for the appreciation & encouragement. All the best in 2016.

Fabulous post, thank you :)

Thank you Judep for the appreciation, you are welcome. All the best in 2016.

i agree fully.
Most definitely.
As a person thinks , so shall they become.
If we think greatness, so shal w become.

Thank you Jahbobclato for the appreciation and input. All the best in 2016.

Violet that has to be one of the best pieces of written content I've read here at WA. You will definitely go far and inspire others to do the same. Bravo!

Thank you Profithog for the appreciation & encouragement, Working and inspiring others especially girls and women is a cause very close and dear to my heart. I do it cheerfully, enjoying every bit of it ! All the best in 2016.

There is merit in this blog. I will watch for more from you.

Hi Violet, beautifully written. I really enjoyed reading it. Have a wonderful day.

Thank you Paulmees for the appreciation, Am glad you enjoyed it! All the best in 2016.

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