About tutintam
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49 followers Joined August 2021
Hi wealth affiliates i am shurland, i am new here and i have a very keen interest in creating an online business, i am happy





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Keyword, Niche and Market Research

In my hub in phase 1 some of my task were automatically shift around and ended up in phase 2, I cannot recall myself doing it but what I want to know is if anyone had this same

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Yeah, we updated the tasks yesterday and shuffled some around. The Create Profile is now in Phase 2, Share & Earn which is a new task has been added to phase 1. :)

So you didn't do anything wrong, this has just been an update and one that you will be able to find more about tomorrow in my Beer With Kyle Friday where I will be explaining the changes.

Thank you Kyle good thing i did not start shuffling things around before you get back to me thinking i had something to fix. Thanks

How did they shift? Were they movable? I don't think you can move them.


Hey Abie take a look at my hub to the top of the task in blue writing you will see phase 1 getting started and phase 2 your brand and content with 5 new task under it, so what am speaking about if you look in phase 1 I already went through the tasks launch my business, how to make money and profile set up. In task 3 where you see share and earn is where profile set up were and now it is seen in phase 2 already check off so am thinking that it went from choosing my own niche to promoting wealthy affiliate but I don't know how to get it back

Yeah, I got it; thank you for the clarification :)


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Hey morning to the community does anyone knows how to clean your hub if you want to start over with

Hey morning to the community does anyone knows how to clean your hub if you want to start over with

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

In my hub in phase 1 some of my task were automatically shift around and ended up in phase 2, I cannot recall myself doing it but what I want to know is if anyone had this same

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Yeah, we updated the tasks yesterday and shuffled some around. The Create Profile is now in Phase 2, Share & Earn which is a new task has been added to phase 1. :)

So you didn't do anything wrong, this has just been an update and one that you will be able to find more about tomorrow in my Beer With Kyle Friday where I will be explaining the changes.

Thank you Kyle good thing i did not start shuffling things around before you get back to me thinking i had something to fix. Thanks

How did they shift? Were they movable? I don't think you can move them.


Hey Abie take a look at my hub to the top of the task in blue writing you will see phase 1 getting started and phase 2 your brand and content with 5 new task under it, so what am speaking about if you look in phase 1 I already went through the tasks launch my business, how to make money and profile set up. In task 3 where you see share and earn is where profile set up were and now it is seen in phase 2 already check off so am thinking that it went from choosing my own niche to promoting wealthy affiliate but I don't know how to get it back

Yeah, I got it; thank you for the clarification :)


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