Personal development will happen only when youdecide to take action. You will need a plan. You will need to commit to thatplan and continuously track and monitor your results. You also need to:

  • Begin with the end in mind
  • Understand yourself
  • Improve your awareness
  • Work on your attitude
  • Believe in yourself and your potential
  • Develop your skills
  • Set your goals

Once you havedirection, you can then start creating your plan. To get started, ask yourselfthese questions:

  • Do I like where I am in life?
  • Have I ever wished that my life was better?
  • Are my relationships working the way I want?
  • What makes me feel successful?
  • What have I been telling myself, about myself?
  • How do I go from here, to where I want to be?

When you begin toask yourself these types of questions, you will start looking for the answerswithin yourself, and that is when your journey will begin.

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RandyL1 Premium
Very interesting.

abdul11 Premium
drcmaint Premium
Interesting this.
rckknight Premium
That sounds like a very interesting course!
pablocortina Premium
Thank you for the instruction