Let’s start by recognizing that any personaldevelopment initiative has to be built around the development of a person'sindividuality, and around the way an individual relates to his or herenvironment.

Here are some basic guidelines to through the process of personal development:

  • Have a positive outlook on life.
  • Learn how to keep yourself motivated.
  • Recognize and draw upon your own strengths.
  • Learn how to utilize your body language in a positive manner when communicating to others.
  • Learn how to connect with and appreciate different types of people.
  • Learn something new every day by feeding your brain with positive knowledge.

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth andcease only at death.” ~~Albert Einstein(1879-1955)was a theoretical physicist, philosopher andauthor who is widely regarded as one of the most influential and best knownscientists and intellectuals of all time.

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RandyL1 Premium
Very interesting.

abdul11 Premium
drcmaint Premium
Interesting this.
rckknight Premium
That sounds like a very interesting course!
pablocortina Premium
Thank you for the instruction