How to set up your permalinks in Wordpress

To access your permalink settings go to

Settings >>permalinks

Above is the window you will see when you go to your permalinks settings, all you have to do to set up the permalink for post name is click on the radio button next to post name, this is a global setting, meaning that every page or post you create will have this exact permalink structure in it

Why is the permalink structure so important

The structure is important for the following reasons

1. You can get your keyword in the URL by using a keyword in your post title

2. Your visitors like human friendly looking URL's

3. Most people fear URL's that are full of symbols and numbers, they think it screams spam or scam and they are usually right.

4. Google has billions of URL's indexed in its servers, so the simpler the better, google prefers URL's that are simple a it helps indexing and displaying

Creating your page or post using the ALL IN ONE SEO PACK

To make things clearer I will now show you how your permalink is created when you create your content in Wordpress.

Step 1 - Titles

Here is one of my posts, as you can see as I create the title, the permalink gets created and it also contains my keyword which I want. ITS IMPORTANT TO NOTE, that you can change your permalink at this stage because you have not yet published you content

To change your permalink before you publish click on the edit tab and you can change it if you wish

Once the title is done, lets take a look at the meta description box in ALL IN ONE SEO PACK.

When you scroll down your Wordpress page you will see the SEO meta description boxes

Here you can see the meta description, the title and the permalink, you will notice that the permalink says (?p=1644) the reason for this is that the page has not been published, once the page has been published the permalink will have the post name in it

Before we talk more about permalinks lets take a look at TITLES IN WORDPRESS


If you want to change the title that appears in the title box you can change it to anything you want using the meta title box.



I will show you how you title gets created in the ALL IN ONE SEO settings so you can change it if you want, this does not affect the permalink but you can change the title for that appears in the (SERPS) Search Engine Results Pages.

If you want to change the title settings in the ALL IN ONE SEO then you can, you may not want the title of your blog to appear in the SERPS so you can change it if you want

Lets use and example for this

Above is the title for one of my posts it is

Title = The jaaxy keyword tools review The truth exposed by a real user - WP ClinK

Blog name = WP CliniK which comes from my general settings

So lets say I don't want the blog name to appear in the SERPS

My SEO settings for posts are as follows

%post_title% - %blog_title%

To stop the blog name appearing in the SERPS change it to this


That's all you have to do

%The percentage sign = Separators

If your wondering about the % symbol, they are used as separators to structure titles and permalinks they are the code used for start and end of words in titles and permalink settings

In the next lesson we will take a look in more detail at custom permalink structures, you can create your own custom structures if you wish to and I will be explaining how to do this in the next lesson

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LizPB Premium
Great training! Thank you soooo much ;-)
BarryAA Premium Plus
I am glad it helped you

cmwagoner Premium
I think you could have worded this better. You might have yourself on too high a pedestal looking down on the rest of us. That's what you left me with , I am sure there are more people that feel the same.
BarryAA Premium Plus
I certainly do not look down on anybody here or anywhere else

After being in therapy for being abused to the point of suicide looking down on people is the last thing I ever do

I try to explain things simply due to the fact that most people do not explain things very well online

I have been in WA for 18 months and I have lots of training and blogs

I have only ever been told how much people like my training and blogs

I am sorry this training made you feel this way

I help a lot of people on WA I may not get it right every time but at least I help

Better to try than be selfish with my time
I put a lot of time in training and blogs to help those who do not understand things

I never look down on people ever

maluth19 Premium
Great training. Just a suggestion about the gaps between the paragraphs. I think the gaps are too wide. That's my view anyway.

maluth19 Premium
To me, the focus is not the link, but the training. Anyway, I don't what others will think about.

I appreciate the training, just some spell-checks are needed.
BarryAA Premium Plus
Yes I have done the spell check now thank you for your comments
jvranjes Premium
Training is supposed to be self-contained and should not be used for self-promotion. What you are doing here is very much against WA rules. Did you read instructions?
BarryAA Premium Plus
The link has been deleted
jvranjes Premium
Really? I see at least 2 links to your site, one is about 15 cm above.
BarryAA Premium Plus
They are not links they are example I am using to teach the subject it would be nice if people like you were a little more grateful for free training rather than complain all the time why don't you spend some more time helping others

I will change the links to keep you happy
jvranjes Premium
Wrong answer, remove the links to obey the rules which everyone is supposed to follow. Without rules we have anarchy.

You can explain url by simply using WA's url, no need for self-promotion.
BarryAA Premium Plus
All links have been disabled, a simple mistake
jvranjes Premium
Maluth, I do not think you should put yourself in the position of a judge here. I am not presenting my views, there are written rules, you'd better read them.
AngelaHall Premium
I didn't feel like anything in your training was self-promotion. When we create training, we need to use examples. I have often used my own sites for examples in training I have created and never been told it was self-promotion.
I (and I'm sure Barry is the same) never intend to promote when creating training. In fact, it doesn't matter to me if anyone from WA visits any of my sites. I don't (and I'm sure Barry doesn't either) use WA as a sales platform but rather as an opportunity to pay it forward. To help others with the knowledge I have gained.
Any training, especially one explaining technical knowledge, would not be as informative without visual examples.
But that's just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own. :)