I hope this has been of some use, and perhaps provides an insight into some of the many points to watch out for when writing the content for your site. Before I go I just wanted to raise two final points, not specifically linked to writing, but sure website killers if used incorrectly:

The first is contact details. You telephone number should be available from every page if you're writing a business website. That's why they're so often in the header graphic. I've seen literally hundreds of websites where the writer has thought that by having a contact page in the menu they're meeting the need to provide detail. They're not. Web users (and I am one) are notoriously thick and short-tempered and if a phone number isn't in front of me wherever I am I WILL LEAVE WITHOUT LOOKING. Dumb, but true.

The second point is on-site music. Just don't. An experienced marketer running her own marketing business put her new site on the web this week and plugged it on FaceBook. Do you remember Marty McFly in the first Back to the Future movie? Remember the opening scene when he plugs in and ramps up the amp on his electric guitar? Remember what happened next? Well that's what happened to me when I clicked on her link to look at her site.

Music which autoplays when a site is loaded is bad news. The last thing a user wants when he's surreptitiously surfing the web at work is a bowel-evacuating wall of sound hitting him square between the ears. He will panic, won't know how to kill the sound as quickly as he needs to, and will click the back button. Because, like the rest of us, he's dumb, he won't then turn off his speakers and try again. He'll just go to the next site on his list. You just lost a customer. He just lost a pair of pants.

PM me or ask here if anything I've said isn't clear. Enjoy your writing. God bless.

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uakoko Premium
I love your last paragraph! Perfection---I'm still laughing!
uakoko Premium
Wow, Paul! You are a GREAT writer. You hit all the nails squarely on their flat little heads...so clear! I took copious notes. This really helped me, because I tend to get diarrhea of the mouth,,,Or rather, writing hand! And you are an interesting person to read. And funny, besides...That picture of the dude sneaking a peek at work and all of a sudden being blasted with a tsunami of blaring sound---absolutely PRICELESS! I'm still laughing...Thank you so much for this. Boy, do I have a lot of re-writing to do---!
Shields Premium
Terrific; I had forgotten all about how to set up pages. It makes so much sense when you understand why that placement is done--to copy the eye movements of the reader.
A terrifically knowledgeable coach sitting on your left shoulder would fill the bill!
tas88 Premium
Thanks for this information. It will help me for sure.
jwgman Premium
Great article, Paul! Thanks for the lowdown on content. This was very specific and very helpful, and there were several points that I'll be using in the re-write of my current web pages. Thanks a lot!
Paul Dean Premium
A great pleasure. Glad it was useful and thanks for the kind words.