One of the main things to remember is that people read websites in an entirely different way to the written hard copy page. Firstly, there is the scanning pattern a reader will adopt. In a paper document is it strictly left to right and down the page. On a website it's in the shape of a capital letter "F" - Across the top (Header), down the left hand side then right for the headline, back to the left and down the side menu, up again to read the content. The reader then moves rapidly down the page, scans sub-headlines quickly, decides whether the whole thing is of interest and THEN decides whether they're going to stay and read it.

So there's lots to get right.

One of the main errors people succumb to is the urge to write lengthy blocks of uninterrupted text.

The key to web writing is to keep it snappy UNLESS you want to write a full review of a product and sell it thoroughly before you reach the price/pay-off line. Generally we want to break up the text into short, punchy paragraphs and resist the desire to write War and Peace. Here's an example of a rewrite I recently did for a favourite client. The original is first:


“You are what you eat” has become a cliché. But it is true. Apart from the air we breathe, every atom in your body has come from the food and drink you consume. The raw materials your body needs to build and repair itself come from food. A good diet improves and maintains health, a bad diet leads to disease.

The emphasis at XXXXX is on a straightforward healthy diet, plenty of fruit and veg, increasing water and healthy fats whilst decreasing bad fats, salts and sugar. Ken doesn’t believe in faddy diets. He is also rather wary of the latest “superfoods”, having a preference for apples and onions over the latest tropical thing (which also has food miles, cash farming and other environmental issues).

Ken believes a vegetarian or vegan diet can be at least as healthy as a meat one. At XXXXX we understand veganism and won’t try to change you. However, we accept that a vegan diet might need more thought than some others to be optimally healthy.

Diet and supplements

For some people diet alone may be sufficient for health. But for those who are ill, stressed, smoke or are subject to pollution (that’s most of us in a city), supplements are a very useful addition for health. Supplements are particularly important if you are aiming to be as healthy as possible, rather than just trying to avoid being ill.

As a qualified nutritionist, Ken, the owner of XXXXX, is able to advise on all aspects of diet and supplements. As consultations take place above the shop, we are able to show you the products we recommend.

Ken keeps up to date with the latest developments in Nutrition. This is important as it is a very fast moving field. Just one example: ten years ago vitamin D was seen as being only of value in preventing rickets. Today hardly a week goes by without a new piece of research being published as to its ever increasing range of benefits."

As you can see, this is quite lengthy. The new version said the same thing but with far less text:


Ken XXXX MNIMH is a qualified nutritionist, providing nutritional information wherever it’s needed. Anyone who knows about nutrition will tell you that the old adage, “You are what you eat” is literally true, once the molecules have been rearranged a bit! This is why Ken and the team always provide the most up to date information, based on current nutritional research.

Diet and Supplements

Ken supports vegetarianism and veganism in every way he can, understanding that vegans in particular may need additional advice about vitamins and supplements. But the fact is that ANYONE living under the day to day pressures of today’s world is unlikely to be enjoying a truly balanced diet and will need some form of supplementary nutritional help and advice.

Why not contact Ken now, and ask about his individual consultations? They take place here, above the shop where you can view any of the products which may be recommended."

Call or mail us here."

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uakoko Premium
I love your last paragraph! Perfection---I'm still laughing!
uakoko Premium
Wow, Paul! You are a GREAT writer. You hit all the nails squarely on their flat little clear! I took copious notes. This really helped me, because I tend to get diarrhea of the mouth,,,Or rather, writing hand! And you are an interesting person to read. And funny, besides...That picture of the dude sneaking a peek at work and all of a sudden being blasted with a tsunami of blaring sound---absolutely PRICELESS! I'm still laughing...Thank you so much for this. Boy, do I have a lot of re-writing to do---!
Shields Premium
Terrific; I had forgotten all about how to set up pages. It makes so much sense when you understand why that placement is done--to copy the eye movements of the reader.
A terrifically knowledgeable coach sitting on your left shoulder would fill the bill!
tas88 Premium
Thanks for this information. It will help me for sure.
jwgman Premium
Great article, Paul! Thanks for the lowdown on content. This was very specific and very helpful, and there were several points that I'll be using in the re-write of my current web pages. Thanks a lot!
Paul Dean Premium
A great pleasure. Glad it was useful and thanks for the kind words.