This tutorial shows you how to efficiently undertake keyword research and save your keyword straight into Site Content for immediate drafting, or for working on at a later date.
Are you working your way through the Wealthy Affiliate Certification or Bootcamp Training? If so, you may have been given a task like this...
"Research and Come Up With 50 Low Competition Keywords"
Or if you are doing the Wealthy Affiliate Super Affiliate Challenge you might have been given this task...
"Write a minimum of 12 posts this month using the keywords you have researched"
This Wealthy Affiliate Platform never ceases to surprise and delight me.
Keyword Research with JAAXY and content drafting with SITE CONTENT, just got a whole lot easier! In fact, it's a marriage made in heaven.
If you are serious about cranking out your content this month - then you absolutely need to check out this tutorial.
It's a game changer!