My advice:

  1. Have a strong attitude
  2. Pick a different format
  3. Revitalize classic – look for a tired a method, a method or strategy that still works and give it an upgrade.

4. You don’t want to make a real sacrifice.

We’ve all seen this common statement on every course sales page; “you will have to put in a lot of effort, else, this course is not for you”. Most time we respond in our mind that “it’s no problem, I will do just that”.

You won’t found anyone explains that sneaky phrase to you. What it really means is – you have to make sacrifices.

It takes time, money, and energy to build a business. All those successful businesses are products of numerous sacrifices.

I could remember when I first started;

I watch less Tv

Gave up some of my hobbies

Work in the evenings during the weekend sometimes (even when I don’t feel like).

It affected my offline career (I was less dedicated to my day job).

Note: your sacrifices don’t have to be brutal or sudden – It can be gradual or methodical.

Disclaimer: I never said you should reject all forms of enjoyment, destroy your offline career or abandon your family.

However, you have to look for a way to make room for your business. You can write a daily routine over the week and be honest with it.

I hope you’ve gained something.

Good luck!!

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YanFellow Premium
Great advice! You need to think long-term and most beginners are too impatient and aren't prepared to sacriggice anything to develop their business, So it fails...

Paul2012 Premium
Well said Ian. Patience is a virtue, many beginners need to understand this. Success in online business doesn't come overnight.

Thanks for stopping by!
Nurseboki Premium
thank you!
Paul2012 Premium
You're welcome Nurseboki.
Ahimbe Premium
This my NOT TO DO list. Being original is what I like most because you can waste a lot of time and get frustrated trying to make your site look like some one else.
Thank you for the training.
Paul2012 Premium
That's it my friend. I've always preached uniqueness - create your own style.
Thanks for reading.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Wonderful insights. I appreciated the reminder to not try and do everything yourself. I'm listening.

Thanks for giving your time to help us.
Lily 😊
Paul2012 Premium
You're welcome Lily!

Thanks for reading