Let's start with the WHY part.

Well, there are many possible scenarios ...

But the most common one: you need to give temporary access to the admin area ...

It happens all the time ... A friend who wants to give you a hand ... A developer hired to perform ceratin tasks ... A third party theme or plugin support team responding to your request ... A freelancer or contributor invited to perform a one-time job ... Etc ...

Now, when you trust that person, you can simply create a new admin user that will be deleted later once the "problem" has been solved ...

Similarly, you can simply block a given user at any moment ...

I already created two tutorials on user management ... In case that you haven't seen them, here they are again:

How to manage your Wordpress users the right way

How to efficiently block a Wordpress user

The problem?

Sometimes, you could simply forget that you added someone with certain privileges ... Which will leave your site open to possible security threats and data safety issues.

And believe, me it happens! It happened to me too ... We are just too busy and is really easy to forget "small" things like this ...

The solution?

It's very simple ... You can create temporary accounts that require no password to login, and more importantly, they will be automatically disabled after a given time.

Sounds cool, right? This is why I've decided to create this short tutorial where I will show you how easy is to create automatically expiring temporay login accounts in Wordpress.


Let's do this!

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dowj01 Premium
Awesome little plugin (and tutorial).
Thanks for sharing.
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time Justin!
lesabre Premium
Thanks Zed
smartketeer Premium
Thank YOU!
FKelso Premium
This one definitely looks useful to me. I could have used it a couple of times recently. Thanks for the info.
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time Fran!
keishalina Premium
interesting -- reminds me of the temporary alarm system log-in for guest visitors or contractors -- same idea, i guess ...

thanks kindly for all you do & share, cheerio ... ⭐️🎈
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the feedback Keisha :)
keishalina Premium
you're most welcome ZZZ! ... :)
smartketeer Premium
robbie101 Premium
Such a useful tool :)
Thank you for sharing
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time and the feedback Robin!